rhymes with rhyme

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February 04, 2006, 5:19 P.M.

I'm feeling more energized today than I did yesterday, for some reason. Not the weather, which is grey and raw and windy. Maybe it's the morning exercise. Raji and I took a nice 40 minute, 1 mile walk this morning, and I also put in time on the treadmill, and even did a bit of weight work on my arms. I guess I'm in the mood for exercise, which in turn puts me in the mood to do other stuff.

But what other stuff? I cleaned up Raji poo in the back yard, disinfected the pooper scooper, packed Spouse a lunch for work, and saw him off to his labors. I cleaned myself up, went to the library, and stopped for milk on the way home--what next?
The laundry is pretty much caught up. I don't feel like cleaning, so I'm having an internal negotiating session at the moment. Making deals with myself that will allow me to get something done around here, but still have some kind of fun on my day off. Time to make a checklist of things that need doing, and do any 3 items.

Sometimes that works where other methods fail. Sometimes it even works really well, in that I tell myself I only have to do three, but once I get some momentum, I end up doing it all without thinking about it.

Newton's first law, I guess. But right now, this object seems to be at rest. I need a push.

The library was mobbed, and since my local branch is by far the busiest in town, pickings were slim. But I dove into the stacks for hidden booty. Mostly mystery short story collections, actually. Some Christie, some Peter Lovesey. I'm trying to recapture my interest in fiction, and mystery shorts seem to offer just the right balance between 'interesting enough to engage me', and 'brief enough not to lose me.'

25 Minutes
1.16 Miles
170 Calories

2 lb. bicep and tricep exercises, 3 reps of 8 each.

Reading: "Winesburg, Ohio", by Sherwood Anderson.

Watching:DVD, "Agatha Christie's Partners In Crime". Found at the library, much to my surprise and pleasure.

Beading: No.

One Year Ago, I was watching "A Thousand Acres".

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