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graduation time
May 15, 2013, 8:04 P.M.

And they're coming thick and fast--2 BAs in education (Wisconsin Nephew and his Fiancee), 2 in law enforcement (Iowa Nephews), and 1 Associate's in Culinary Arts. (Wisconsin Niece, who is going on to Alverno and a business and management major.) I'm so proud of them all! Amazingly smart, hard-working, service-minded young people who give one hope for the world.

Well, if anything or anyone could give one hope for the world. That is a rather large "if" for me, lately. It has been such a battle recently with the depression and lack of energy. And when you are spending big chunks of time & energy trying to act convincingly undepressed, it just makes that whole lack of energy thing worse. At first I wondered if it was my thyroid meds needing adjustment again, but usually there are other symptoms for that, in addition to the depressed mood and energy crisis.

I think I'm "just" depressed. But lately there has been a lot to be depressed about--family, friends, and aquaintances suffering from horrific illness and medical screw-ups, co-workers and co-worker's spouses dropping dead, one person in my LinkedIn network actually being murdered by her husband...I mean it just seems to have exploded lately, and it makes me feel sad and fed up with the world. Then I add in the violent, effed up world, the socio-economic mess, the unrellenting attacks on women's rights, the rise of every type of horrible fundamental religious sect (these last to coincide for a reason)--and my complete powerlessness to change any of it.

I mean--how in the name of all that's reasonable and rational can anyone NOT be depressed?!

/end unhappy ranting.

I am not entirely dissatisfied with every aspect of the world. I'm pretty stoked about my bathroom. Progress proceeds apace. All construction is finished, and all that remains is cosmetic stuff, plus a few slight adjustments (register vent and shower door need adjusting.) Floor, plastering, and new window installation were completed on Saturday (OMG--new window LOVE!). Spouse put up the towel ring & TP holder on Sunday. P negotiated a separate deal with Spouse for the painting, and intends to do it this coming weekend. (he wants someone to house and dog-sit) I am going to see about the replacement mirrors and buy some towels, look for a toothbrush holder, and get a new rug. Spouse should be getting his butt busy and building my window cornice!

Reading: Although my "slush pile" overfloweth, I just can't seem to settle to anything. Finally finished "On Board The Mary Sands" by Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards, after wandering away from it and forgetting to go back for a while. I can't seem to make any headway...I have been so sleepy lately that every time I start to read, I fall asleep after all of about five minutes. So I'm currently taking refuge with an old friend that practically reads itself to me--Louise May Alcott's "Eight Cousins".

Listening: Lots and lots of downers from Psych Furs, The Smiths, New Order, The Cure, Goo Goo Dolls, 3 Doors Down, and Five for Fighting. Now I'm not sure if it is me who is depressed, or Pandora. (LATER: Holy shit, they just played Leonard Cohen. It IS Pandora.)

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