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not feeling "nice" right now
October 23, 2012, 8:10 P.M.

I am miserable, and in a black and nasty mood. We found out this week that my mom has pancreatic cancer, I am dealing with a major depressive episode, my marriage is shit, my job is shit, the weather is shit, my back is out and I'm writhing in pain...and I feel a rant coming on about this lousy election season:

I am officially suffering from political exhaustion. The political scene in Wisconsin has been brutal for the entire year, what with recall petitionas, recall votes, run-off elections, retiring senators...and, of course, that lying little sack of congressman from my district running for VP (AND running for congress at the same time, because he's an an unethical, opportunistic little pile of something people scrape off their shoe at the dog park). I've had enough. Texts, voicemails, and several forests' worth of bulk rate crap in my mailbox.

If the political parties and the PACS had to pay a legitimate postal rate, instead of the ridiculous joke that is bulk rate, there would probably be less crap in my mailbox every day, and the U.S. Postal Service would be solvent again.

Reading: Needing the comfort of the familiar, I set aside "Barbara in Brittany" (1915), by A. E. Gillie, and took up with Page, Dum, and Dee again. "At Boarding School With the Tucker Twins" (1915, "Vacation With the Tucker Twins"(1916), and "Back at School With the Tucker Twins" (1917), so far. All by Nell Speed (Emma Speed Sampson), who delights me with her truly gifted writing. I need that kind of reading at the moment.

Listening: The Fray, Spoon, The Airborne Toxic Event, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.

Surfing: Watching Brit TV online: the episode of "Who Do You Think You Are?" on David Mitchell.
Big Spoilers: he has ancestors who were middle-class, bright, creative, literate, and snarky. I know, shocking, right?

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