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cooler near the lake
July 09, 2012

The weekend cooled off, finally (from temps over a hundred to temps below 80--oh, what a wonderful thing is a breeze off the lake!), and I took it fairly easy. Did a minimum of housework, a modicum of swimming, and a maximum of lazing.

We were unable to do much more anyway, due to Spouse's work. The engineer in charge of Spouse's work area is a lazy idiot in the scheduling department, and a big fat chicken when it comes to imparting unpleasant news. So he screwed Spouse into working 12-hour overnites with no notice (Spouse actually got it on the jungle telegraph and had to confront the guy), plus he expected him to cover the on-call when he wasn't physically at the plant! Highly illegal and very dangerous, as Spouse pointed out to the Plant manager on Friday. He ended up with 7 Friday night to 7 Saturday morning, off but on-call Saturday night, and 11 Sunday to 7 this morning.

The rest of the week is 7-7 as well, but Spouse told them he simply could not work Friday night to Saturday morning next weekend, as we were going out of town and there simply wasn't any notice on this. The plant manager was okay with that, so I guess the engineer has to suck it. If he wasn't a worthless twerp, he would be covering some of these hours. The only reason they worked this weekend anyway was to squeeze extra time out of people to make up for the holiday on the 4th.

As it was, I couldn't make any noise on Friday afternoon, or on Saturday all day, so I did laundry and anything else quiet I could manage. Watched some DVDs on my notebook with the headphones plugged in, that kind of thing.

Talked to my mom and my cousin on the phone; mom wanted to bitch about my dad and my brother and the heat, and Cuz wanted to let us know that although the funeral is cancelled, she and her husband are going to keep their reservations and come back for a visit. I am glad, of course, I truly am. Looking forward to seeing them, and I know it will be great...only...I was kind of hoping to be off the hook for TWO trips to Iowa in a two-week period.

Reading:"Lady Betty Across the Water" (1906), was a delight, but I abandoned "Lord Loveland Discovers America" 1910), because it turned out to be one of those stories where the hero gets shipped off to a foreign country and stripped of his name, position, and wealth--by his so called friends and family! For his own good, of course, and, also of course, I'm sure it makes a new man of him. But just once, I'd like one of these to go totally sideways and the guy jumps off a bridge and kills himself in chapter three, then the rest of the book is the people that screwed him over being crippled by the terrible guilt they feel for what they have done. (both books by A. M. Williamson and C. N. Williamson.)

So I'm reading one that I've had parked on my reader for a while-- "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary"(1907) , by Ann Warner. Not spectacular, but okay.

Listening: I only really remember hearing a Melissa Etheridge song this morning-- and I couldn't even tell you which one. Traffic was demanding ALL my time and attention.

Surfing: The Worst Things For Sale.

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