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another friggin cold
February 22, 2012

First off--worth noting: I came home on Feb. 14 to a bouquet of flowers that I was told were "from the dog". I guess he wanted to keep his record from being ruined...

My ever-accommodating Spouse ALSO brought me home a nasty-assed head cold this weekend. I ended up calling in on Monday, and coming in half-dead on Tuesday, before I finally said @#&% and used some of the nasal spray that has the caution on it for people with thyroid disease. What good is a thyroid if you suffocate from a cold, anyway? After two nights with almost no sleep, I managed about half a night last night, so I am feeling a bit better. This crud is the real thing: a genuine "cold in the nose". Not the ears or throat or chest or even the sinuses--the NOSE. Sniffly sneezy drippy and I cannot breathe. Like I snorted a bag of cement.

Aaannnddd...the weather is turning to shit.

Meh. Think I'll go curl up in bed and read.

Reading: Hobby: "Carolyn of the Corners" (1918), by Ruth Belmore Endicott. It's a sort of Understood Betsy meets Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm meets Pollyanna kind of thing. Which means, of course, I'm loving it. Also re-reading Dorothy Whitehill's "Janet-a Twin" and "Phyllis-a Twin" to refresh my memory before reading "The Twins in the South". (all circa 1920)
General: "The Garner Files: A Memoir" (2011) by James Garner and Jon Winokur. Always been a fan, and heard many good things about this memoir.

Listening: Lou Reed, Coldplay, Peter Frampton, Arcade Fire

Surfing: This website makes me insanely happy: Retro Deco Settings a Day.

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