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February 06, 2012

Due to Spouse having a stomach bug most of the weekend, we had a very quiet and uneventful couple of days. Friday, I came straight home from work, heated up a little leftover spaghetti for lunch, then crawled into bed to try and sleep off the horrendous headache I'd been dealing with all morning. My hyponosis recording and a couple hours of napping did the trick, and I awoke feeling much better, and minus the twitch in my left eye.

We went out for a bite to eat; Pete's was mobbed beyond reason so we tried another place we'd heard was okay--the Home Run Family Restaurant on Sheridan Rd. It was a very typical coffee shop--standard menu, prices were a bit higher and quality was a bit lower than Pete, but certainly a clean, decent place.

Saturday morning I got up and took another stab at cinnamon rolls--this time I used frozen bread dough. They tasted better, but I still didn't get the results I'm after. I think I will give the whole thing one more try from scratch, and if I don't get closer to what I'm after, I'll hang it up.

We laundried and puttered and chored our way through the morning, then got cleaned up and ran to Wally's to take care of some necessary shopping. P needed bones for his dog, so we also popped in to Sam's to get rawhide. Then it was home, to put everything away, make some cole slaw, and re-boot the laundry process. Talked to my mom on the phone for a bit, as she was bored eough to actually call me. We ate an early dinner, because Spouse wanted to cook bratwurst on the grill.while it was light and decently warm. Really didn't do much else, Spouse started complaining about his stomach, and spent the rest of the evening in the bathroom or in bed. I puttered around online and went to bed about 10.

Spouse was still feeling wonky on Sunday morning. , so I made him some scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast. I got about 2/3rds of the wash done on Saturday, so I was able to wrap up pretty quickly--I thought I had to, because the original plan was to run out to the outlet mall and pick him up some more jeans and t-shirts for work. But circumstances alter cases, and with him still feeling unwell and dragged out from the stomach bug, I ended up just showering, throwing on some yoga pants and a comfy old sweatshirt, and proceeding to putter in the kitchen. I made a batch of my old original recipe Scottish Shortbread. It is such a simple and small recipe that if it wasn't for the half-hour bake time, it wouldn't be any bother at all. I did tweak it slightly with a splash of vanilla and a dash of alond extract, but otherwise it is just butter, flour and sugar.

Spouse was sweet and got out the Stir-Crazy to make me popcorn in the afternoon--As a favorite special snack, I adore a Honey-Crisp apple, some really good, old-fashioned popcorn, and a wedge of sharp cheddar. A holdover from my childhood, I think--that was a very occasional Sunday supper at our house. If we had been extra-good, my mom would let us have that while we watched Wonderful World of Disney.

Yesterday's Sunday supper was a bit fancier than that, but not too involved. I made a pan of stuffing, roasted a couple of big, bone-in chicken breasts, and steamed some carrots. The breasts we got from the Fresh Market were so huge that we ended up splitting the smaller of the two, and saving the ginormous "Chernobyl Farms" one for sandwiches. Honestly--that thing weighed close to two pounds! I don't know where they get their birds from at the Fresh Market, but I certainly wouldn't want to meet one in a dark alley! And for a measley buck a pound!

Spouse repeated his Saturday evening, and I repeated mine, pottering on the 'puter, setting up for my Monday morning, and starting the Volkswagon book mentioned below. There was a football game on TV, but that isn't really my thing, so I watched a little BBC instead. I'm rather enjoying the "Supersizers Go" series on BBCA. I like Sue Perkins, and the glimpse into all the different time periods in English cuisine is fascinating and repellent at the same time.

All in all, a quiet and uneventful weekend.

Reading: Something unusual for me--a book that is A) made out of paper, and B) not written a hundred years ago. It's called "Thinking Small: The Long, Strange Trip of the Volkswagen Beetle," by Andrea Hiott. Spouse heard about it on the radio and got it from the library, devoured it, and recommended it highly, so I figured I'd give it a try, if only for the chapters on DDB to fuel my passion about Mad-Men era advertising. Also still juggling "Jane Allen of the Sub Team" (1917), by Edith Bancroft, "The Second Generation" (1906), by David Graham Phillips, and "The Younger Set" (1907), by Robert W. Chambers--all of which tend to piss me off just enough to walk away for a while and look at something else. Yes, I know what a weird reader I am, but I please myself, so I really don't care.

Listening: John Mellencamp, Dawes, The Records, Cream.

Surfing: fans of old movies and movie stars should check out Poseidon's Underworld; it's an awesome site.

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