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bunch of savages in this town
March 04, 2011

After hearing a loud noise out front last night, went outside and found fucking jagoff had thrown an empty vodka bottle at my car. Sucker must have gone off like an A-bomb, because glass was all over my car, driveway, sidewalk, and lawn. Fun clean-up out in the cold and dark, I can assure you.

This kind of shit happens fairly often, given that we live on a main drag in a town full of bars...full of drunken losers. Beats me what it is that makes my house such an attractive target, but we get this degenerate behavior several time a year. This guy's shot was "luckier" than most--lots of times we just find the bottle intact on the lawn. Oh, well. At least I found it last night, and didn't have to deal with it in the rain this morning before work.

A night at the theatre tonight; W, T, & me. Our local school system and their brilliant Theatre Arts Department (all three high schools combined) tend to kisck ass every year at the National Thespian Festival. They usually come away with the honor of debuting the student version of some big Broadway show, and this year, it is (SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!) Avenue Q. (Past blockbusters they've given us include Sweeney Todd and Rent--both of which were BETTER than the national touring company versions I saw.)

Kind of looking forward to a "night out with the girls". This year got off to a kind of crummy start for all of us, and we are way overdue for a theatre night anyway. We'll grab dinner at the Gateway and have a nice evening.
The hobby has me by the throat. I'm trying to figure out the timeline of the Lightning Conductor books by A.M. & C.N. Williamson. While not an outright series, there are several related books and I'd like to get through them all, and in order. Vintage is hard, though--you can't always pull it off. My notes so far:

The Lightning Conductor, 1903 or so. Definitely the first Jack and Molly book.
The Princess Passes, 1905--Jack and Molly are in this, but not sure if they are main focus or not.
The Lightning Conductor Discovers America, not until WWI, around 1916, since Jack has been wounded in the war and is convalescing.
The Lightning Conductress , 1916--maybe the same book as "Discovers America"? Cannot find any info on this title, other than a mention in the Wiliamson's bibliography on Wikipedia.
The Lightning Conductor Comes Back, 1933 according to Wikipedia. Don't know anything about this title, but it seems from the date that it may be a revisit to old characters, Like Dame Agatha did in "Postern of Fate"?
I don't know whether it's the nicotine gum, or my serious jawbreaker habit, but I've got a mean little mouth sore going. Amazing how one little spot that you can't even really see can hurt like a holy sumbitch.

As for the smoking, I think I've finally been able to make the break and face the world without a security blanket. I made it through yesterday without a box in my pocket or even a serious temptation to buy a new one. I think I finally got to the point where the weaning was maxed out, and the only thing left to do was walk away. I fell down on my promise to listen to the recording every single day, though. When I got in bed last night, I just was too tired to do anything but turn out the light and go to sleep.

Reading:Hobby--"Cranford" (1851), by Mrs. Gaskell. Yep. I did what I said I would, and started Cranford Hey, if it's good enough for Hildegarde and her ilk, it's good enough for me. And it seems amusing prettty much from page one, so this might not be a terrible experience.

"A World of Girls" (1886), by L. T. Meade. I've been in such a nineteenth century mood lately. That is probably a good thing, because the next Tomato Nation Read-Along is probably going to be Louisa May Alcott's "Little Women". Which I have never actually made it all the way through, in spite of outright adoring some of her other books. Maybe I can make it if I have the Nation along for the ride, helping me along with occasional cries of FREE LAURIE! (and F*CK AMY!)

Surfing: .

Listening: Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros, Sonny Landreth, Weezer, The Cranberries, Warren Zevon, Jack Johnson, Muse.

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