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March 07, 2011

The Theatre Arts kids were sensational (as alway) in "Avenue Q, Student Edition". Acting, puppetry, singing, comic timing--just brilliantly dead on. Of course, this being the student edition of a fairly racy show, there were a few changes. "The Internet Is for Porn" was changed to "My Social Life is Online", and "You Can Be as Loud as the Hell You Want (When You're Makin' Love)" and "My Girlfriend, Who Lives in Canada" were cut. (Canada was probably cut for time, actually.)

Oh, and Mrs. Thistletwat had her name changed to Mrs. Butts. Other than that, they stayed pretty true to the original. I thought the lyrics switch for "Internet" was reasonably acceptable; although it couldn't touch the original, if you didn't know the show you would have thought it was fine.

Anyway, we three had a lovely time. Dinner was good, but it usually is at the cafe. And nothing had to be rushed or hustled. It was a cold, rainy night, but we got good parking at the auditorium, and had plenty of time to collect our tickets, hit the bathroom, etc. before they opened the lobby doors. Short evening, too--I just dropped the girls off and went home, since T's health problems were plaguing her. Okay with me, since I was pretty tired anyway.

I was sorely disappointed in the beads in my Fire Mountain order. They looked NOTHING like what is shown on the website, and the quality is just crap. At least the bracelet is acceptable. Not perfect, but as good as I expected it to be for under $10. I don't think I will be using them anymore; "if it sounds to good to be true...", right?
Mom and Dad finally made it home from their long trek. They called me Saturday abut 6:15 to let me know they were home, and Mom and I chatted a few minutes. That is really the news for the weekend, since Spouse and I had a VERY quiet and laidback couple of days. Spouse made a batch of pasta sauce on Saturday, and grilled steaks out on Sunday, we did minimal errands and some housework, he did homework and I did laundry, and mostly we just chilled. As much as I would love to go to Weetacon, the brokeness was just too much this year. I can never seem to have the money and the time come together so I can go.

Reading:Hobby--My epub copy of "Cranford" is giving me trouble, so I gave up for now and switched to "The Lightning Conductor" (1903) by A.M. & C.N. Williamson

"A World of Girls" (1886), by L. T. Meade.

General--"Major Pettigrew's Last Stand" (2010), by Helen Simonson. A library download--about a widowed, retired British Army major, and his relationship with the woman who keeps the village shop. Not sure I like it. Why does it seem like every British novel I read have unpleasant grown children characters who are trying to railroad older parents into giving up their autonomy?

Surfing: .

Listening: The Eagles, Roxy Music

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