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hey�you�re supposed to tip your masseuse!
September 10, 2009

Mr. B taught himself a new trick. He climbs up onto the ottoman in front of my easy chair, assumes the classic �sit� position, presents his back to me, and waits for me to give him a back rub. Once I�ve given him a good scritchin� from ears to tail, he descends from his pedestal and goes about his business.

Yes, it�s true--I have a dog who likes to get chair massages.

I lost it on Spouse last night�I just could not take one more second of blaring television. I think I scared him a little, �cause I just freaked & shrieked. But I am just not used to this thing with having the TV on all freaking evening, if there isn�t anything on it you want to watch. It got to me. Just crawled up my last nerve and made me shout �COULD THE TV JUST BE�NOT ON?!

I don�t get it. That�s what the off switch is for. But apparently, some people consider flipping channels and bitching at the TV to be a legitimate and productive use of their time.

Anyway, I think I scared him. He turned it off and crawled into bed with a book. So obviously, freaking out and yelling turned out to be a legitimate and productive use of MY time.
It strikes me that there is bunch of stuff grinding my nerves about work�but it also strikes me that I shouldn�t be bothered to waste my time or energy writing about them in great detail. I know getting all worked up is not going to change anything, so here�s the nutshell version:
I�m more dependent than ever on a crappy job, where I work next to horrible people, for horrible managers, in a company that pays its employees well, but treats them like non-persons. And in light of the fact that the billionaire bastards broke the country and unemployment has exploded and the whole fucking world is upside-down and inside-out-- this actually makes me �lucky�. I am somehow supposed to feel pathetically grateful, say thanks to the invisible magic sky fairy, and relish my serfdom.
That was depressing, and I need to slip into my childhood for a minute, to perk myself up.

There. That�s better.

Reading: "Enter A Murderer", by Ngaio Marsh.


Listening: Yeah-Yeah-Yeahs, Foo Fighters, Don Henley

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