rhymes with rhyme

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first days
September 01, 2009.

Got home yesterday and picked up Spouse so we could go get his car�his bumper took a bad scrape from having to park in the street (road construction issues in my neighborhood). When I got home, Nephew is sitting on my porch. Now, he just moved into his dorm on Sunday, and classes haven�t even started yet, so I couldn�t believe he was already needing home comfort�but there he was.

And he informed me he�d just locked his keys inside his car. I think this whole �locks and keys� thing is going to give him problems�he�s lived most of his life in a bucolic country setting where locking your house and car is strictly optional, and he hasn�t quite got the hang of city life. He�d already called Mom, and she was driving into town with the spare. (I told him he needed to get a set made and leave it with us�we are a whole lot closer to the school than his folks are.)

So we go in the house, and he decided he�d take Mr. B out to the backyard. Next thing I know, there is a crash.

He�d plunked his oversized frame down in the yard swing and the weight sheared off the support bolt. (*facepalm*) So--it�s pretty obvious he�s having a bad day. If the rest of his first orientation day was like that, I�m not surprised he was on my doorstep at 5:00.

Well, we fed him dinner, let him hang out for a while, and listened to him talk about all his new experiences and his class schedule, and once his mom had come and unlocked his car for him, we sent him on his way back to campus. All in a day�s work for your committed aunt and uncle, I guess.

I was glad, in a way, that he showed up. I wasn�t looking forward to going home and facing Spouse after his first full day of unemployment. Nephew made a pretty good buffer. He always puts his uncle in a good mood.

Spouse had managed to get several chores and errands taken care of, and had dinner all planned�he grilled marinated pork skewers over charcoal, and it was yum. I made steamed rice; Nephew shucked the last of the sweet corn, and I steamed that as well. A very nice dinner, with hot fudge sundaes for dessert (fudge sauce was farmer�s market swag from Goose Gulch Farmstead in Poynette).

I�d stopped on the way home for my chiro appointment, and managed to combine with a little networking with my cracking. Got to talking to my guy, and he told me about a couple openings in Spouse�s line around town. Plus, his wife is an HR pro who is going to vet Spouse�s resume for him, so it has the best chance of passing the keyword search level of intake processes.

Job hunting and a hip alignment. How�s that for multi-tasking?
I could keep babbling, but last night threw me off, and I need to get back to work on my pillowcase project.

Reading: "Colour Scheme", by Ngaio Marsh.

Surfing: . I�d recommend �The People of Walmart�, but it seems to have caught on with the masses and is suffering from overload again.


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