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put your head down and push
December 23, 2008

Spouse and I ran out last night to get Nephew's gift--I was going to get a brand new Magic Bullet from a woman at work (cheap), but she got called out of town on a family emergency, leaving me to go to plan B. Spouse being grumpy as hell from having to work days, and the temps being sub-zero, we just ran over to the ghetto and got it at the local Hell-Mart.

Never a pleasant experience--always mobbed, the building is falling to bits (they're building a new superstore, so they won't bother fixing the old store), the neighborhood is scary, and the clientele is nasty.

But last night, it was at least a less-than-horrible experience. Once we finally found a place to park and fought our way through the crowds, they had our item in stock, and not even much more than what my friend was going to charge me. As soon as we got up to the registers, an assistant manager jumped on and checked us out, so we didn't even have to wait in line. Altogether, a better experience than last week, when we attempted to buy a game in the electronics department and got treated like shit.

And that pretty much finishes the shopping--we got E and Niece done over the weekend (between snowstorms), as well as spending a buttload of cash to pack and ship off the gifts to my family. $72.00 to send three boxes to eastern Iowa. And that's UPS ground! They are all supposed to arrive by Christmas Eve, at the latest, though.

As predicted, the expected snows are falling. And more for tonight and tomorrow. At latest report, though, We'll get a break from both the cold and the snow for Christmas Day. Goodie! We'll get to spend the holiday cleaning up and digging out again. What friggin' fun.
I found out what my raise was for this year, and it was above average. But just above. And "average" really sucks, to begin with. And the fucking Pollyanna philosophy upbringing I had jacks me over. It forces me to look on the "bright side". Yay me! I still have a job!

But what do you do but put your shoulder to the wheel and shove? Wade waist-deep through life's disappointments, slogging ever onward. There's a reason that this endures as my favorite Dilbert ever:
Dilbert: Is there more to life than just working?
Dogbert: Yes, there's also the complaining about work, the nightly periods of unconsciousness, and sweet, sweet death.
Dilbert: Maybe I should have kids.
Dogbert: To share the joy?
Still among the truest words ever to be written in a voice ballon.

Reading: re-reading "Busman's Honeymoon", by Dorothy L. Sayers.

Surfing: The new Walmart logo. Glad I'm not the only one who looked at it and said "ASSHOLE!"

Listening: Trying, again, to get enjoyment from some Christmas music. Failing again, too.

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