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I'll find out in the morning
November 04, 2008

Did my part. Cast my vote. Then came home and spent 36 minutes on the phone with BFF, 57 minutes on the phone with the 'rents, and 15 minutes on the phone with Spouse. I am frigging exhausted. Now I'm going to do an entry, putter around the house a bit, play with Mr. B, and go to bed.

A good indication that middle-age is setting in--I don't have enough interest in the future of the world to stay up past my usual bedtime.

Actually, it's more posessing awareness than lacking interest. I'm aware that there is no change in any potential outcome involved with me going to bed on time, and I'm aware that "Oooh, I can't wait!" is silly, juvenile, and patently untrue. I can wait. I've done it time and time again. I'm fucking good at waiting. I've spent my life waiting.

I've certainly spent the last eight years waiting.

Heard something interesting on NPR this morning--Apparently, it is illegal, in the State of Wisconsin, to cast a vote if you have wagered on the election's outcome. I giggled when I heard Michele's tagline--I think it was "If you plan to vote in Wisconsin--don't bet on it."
Another spectacular day. Sunny and 70° once again. Unfortunately I spent the majority of daylight hours in an airless, artificially lit cubicle, far removed from even the perpetually shady north-facing window in my bay. A window that is tinted deep bronze, so that the sunniest day looks dreary if you steal a glance over your shoulder. A window that is carefully situated to be at the cube-dwellers back, in order to ensure that no one can use it to look out. (The glare on one's screen is just value added, as far as they're concerned.)

Not that you have time to think thoughts like these while you're at work. The compound whammy of crushing workloads, totally unrealistic deadlines, and the incessant, Harrison Bergeron-like interruptions ensure that you can't think about anything, really. It's just a long, feverish, exhausting incoherence for nine hours.
Hey, remember that football thing we went to on Sunday? Turns out a couple of the pools thingies paid off. Spouse won $25.00, and Spouse & P won $75.00 together--they put in $5 each on something called a $10.00 pulltab (???).

Reading: "The Gum Thief", by Douglas Coupland. Yeah--still. It's not the book, it's me trying to find the time and energy to read.

Surfing: Not.

Listening: Not.

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