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scintillating, ain't I
October 31, 2008

Not much to report today, really. Got up, went to work, stopped for gas and smokes and couldn't get the smokes. Spent a hectic and frustrating 4 1/2 hours in the office, fought the amateur hour traffic home, stopped at Walgreens for Prilosec and Sudafed. Couldn't get the Sudafed, so I told them to stuff it all. Stopped at another Walgreens (their more numerous than Starbucks around here) for Prilosec and Sudafed--actually managed to get both--and the cigarettes, too. Picked up a drive-thru lunch and came home. Spouse is working a weird shift today--10 to 6, so I'm having a quiet afternoon with Mr. B. In fact, I think I'll squeeze in a nap before too long. Spouse wants to go out tonight, and since he'll probably pick a bar to eat at, and since it's Halloween, I figure I'm going to need a little rest so I can put up with the cavalcade of drunken assholes Halloween provides.

Not to offend. If Halloween is what you're into, by all means, enjoy a little pumpkin carving, and a good scare:

Reading: "The Gum Thief", by Douglas Coupland. Just started it, but I'm a total sucker for his work and expect I'll like it just fine.

Surfing: A wondermous old Hindu Love Gods video on MTV Music. I mean, three parts REM, and one part Warren Zevon--how great was that? Especially when none of the three parts REM is that pretentious twat, Stipe.

Listening: This is why I love WXRT: A four-song set this morning on the drive to work. George Thorogood, Modern English, Jethro Tull, and Pearl Jam. Now that's eclectic.

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