rhymes with rhyme

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August 14, 2008

My life is such a perfectly awful nightmare of hellish workloads, looming deadlines, outrageous requests, interminable meetings, worthless & disgusting co-"workers", useless vendors, and evil bosses that I came within a hair's-breadth of quitting, driving myself home, and making like my baby brother.

Yes. That Fucking Bad.

And I got a call from my mother a couple nights ago. Yeah, she called me--so it's obvious she wanted something.

What she wanted was for me to do something for her.

Seems she promised the guy who publishes the suicide survivors group newsletter that she'd write a story about my brother and his dog.

My mom does not write.

Guess who got the assignment?
Fuck. I don't even have time to write in my journal these days, and I've got a fucking writing assignment from my mother. On a subject that I really don't know that much about. I mean, I know he had a dog, and that they went pretty much everywhere together, and that my parents have the dog now...yeah, that's about it.

Reading: "Bloodlines", by Jan Burke.

Beading: Not at the moment.

Surfing: robotic surgery. A work-related surf.

Listening: Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy, Amy Winehouse.

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