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July 21, 2008

Spouse took Friday off. So he got a long weekend, and I got an interminable one. Although I made it clear that I expected him to provide at least a little help with the housework--and he did. So that made it a bit easier to tolerate. He washed a sinkful of dirty dishes, vacuumed the floors, wiped down the bathroom, killed weeds in the yard, and did the weekly pool maintenance, which is way more than he usually bothers to do.

And while he got more than usual done, I felt sickish all weekend, so I didn't get as much done as usual. Naturally, I did the shopping, washed my share of dishes, and did all the laundry--I said I was sick, and you only get out of that shit when you're DEAD. And I got my hair cut, my eyebrows waxed, and my new glasses paid off, as well.

Despite being a bit under the (rather shitty weather) we had, I also managed to get a couple of nice swims in--Friday and Sunday.

Let's see--any other high points? Hmmm...

I bought three new knit tops at the new Wally's in Zion, Il. $7.00 apiece. Summer knit tees with a keyhole-V neckline. One is a print, with coral and breen and khaki and brown in it, and I got one each of the solid colors coral and green. I needed some shirts I could wear with my brown pants, which were getting under-utilized this summer for lack of coordinates.

I got a copy of the latest Futurama DVD, "The Beast with a Billion Backs". Meh. It's like it just hit them with this one that they weren't constrained by what Fox would show on TV, so this one went kind of overboard with the barfing and other grossness. And it wasn't very interesting, plotwise.

And I dug around in the $5 bin, looking for rom-coms. I managed to find one decent title--"Intolerable Cruelty". Certainly worth a fin.

Really, I spent an awful lot of time this weekend just reading. Just laying around, trying to deal with heat, humidity, my husband's ashholian refusal to turn the air on, and my low-grade, flu-like symptoms. Had a regular Aggie-Fest. I've touched on Monsieur Poirot, Superintendant Battle, Mr. Parker Pyne, Mr. Satterthwaite and Harley Quin, Miss Marple, and currently, Tommy and Tuppence Beresford. Quite a respectable representation of Christie sleuths.

I suppose I should mention that I really enjoyed The Promise, even though it was dated, the print was shabby and deteriorated, and--just my personal opinion, but--whoever edited this movie deserved to be SHOT.

And guilty admission--I actually watched the other movie on the DVD. An incredibly horrid, Danielle Steel-inspired dreckfest called "Star", featuring the mouth-breathing, chest-heaving, hair-tossing stylings of one Jennie Garth.

A few things noted while watching this:
  • If you are making a "period" movie...and you go to all the trouble to use "period" cars...and the Opening Title card reads "August, 1969"...the costumes and hairstyles really shouldn't all look like a 1992 issue of Seventeen magazine.
  • Ted Wass is a really dreadful choice for a villain.
  • Craig Bierko's voice is a near-perfect match for Paul Giamatti's. And once you've noticed this, it makes everything eerily creepy.
  • Damn, this really is a piece of shit.

Reading: "N or M?", by Agatha Christie (a Tommy & Tuppence). The other day, I grabbed the big Agatha Christie collection I had on my nightstand--my "in case of emergency, break glass" book--just for something to read. I ended up getting through "Sad Cypress", "Toward Zero", and part of "N or M?". Plus quite a few short stories.

Beading: On Hiatus.

Surfing: White Lace and Promises. Some vintage scrubbles.

Listening: "Brigadoon", 1991 London studio recording.

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