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December 05, 2007

9 inches of snow, with more in the forecast for tomorrow night, and a weekend ice-storm promised. All of which is bad enough, without a sinus infection to boot.

Of course, having stayed home today from the combination of weather and sinus crud, I was the lucky girl who got to put on my coat and help push my husband�s car out of the snow bank he�d buried it in. With a special bonus prize of wrenching the hell out of my arm and shoulder in the process. Would someone please explain to me why, at the age of 44, I�m still trapped in this Midwestern winter torture chamber?

MrB loves it, though. He�s besotted by the huge drifts of fluffy snow in the yard, and bounds around in it like it�s heaven on earth. Oh well, at least somebody�s happy.

I did manage to finish a book today, though. And I ate some soup. Tomato for lunch, potato for dinner. My exciting sick day. I think I�ll go click on you tube and watch �QI� with Stephen Fry and eat Holiday M&Ms.

Reading: �Upstairs, Downstairs, Volume II�, by John Hawkesworth.

Listening: Various duets between Ray Bolger and Judy Garland.

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