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November 29, 2007

I was going to take the day off from posting (Because I can!!!!), but what the heck. What else am I gonna do? My job?

Speaking of which, it has been the morning from hell. Nothing but tech issues being foisted off on us by the very same people who snatched these apps away from us earlier in the year. Oh, I see once they�ve fucked everything up, they refer it back to us to fix. Not to mention this little bonus: They very carefully take down each caller�s extension for us. Unfortunately, 90% of the callers are in training. As in: in a classroom. As in: Not at their desks.
So when you go to call them about the issue you just had foisted upon you?


My blood pressure is going up again. Time for another topic�

I have never had a dog before who was even aware there was a sky, let alone one who was obsessed by it. MrB has discovered airplanes. We live on the Lake Michigan shore, between Milwaukee and Chicago, so we get loads of planes going over at very low altitudes. B is fascinated by this. He will sit in the yard, oblivious to anything else, and stare at the sky�his head panning slowly to follow the noise and lights across the sky. Sometimes, if the plane is low enough, he will even bark and growl at them. Apparently, he is defending our airspace. Last month, it was the sight of clouds scudding across a full moon that had him in thrall, and now this. MrB definitely has his head in the clouds.

Or on my pillow. We had to have a discipline session last night, because going to bed is turning into a huge wrestling match with him. He seems to think that once I get in bed, that�s his cue to jump up and start growling, play-nipping, and demanding my undivided attention. I�m laying there trying to do a puzzle, and he�s beating me up for snuggles. It�s time to get him back to where he knows I�m the boss.
I don�t know why I bother to write down all my good intentions here. Generally, it�s like a prescription for failure. Last night was kind of a dud. Well, not really, I guess. Last night, I did manage to get my groceries diet supplies, and to get my photos uploaded and organized. But I had also wanted to get some laundry done and work out a little. HA! By the time I got done at the grocery store, I felt like I�d been hit by a truck. I could barely drive home and put away my stuff. I perked up after I ate, but then I had another demi-binge: a � bag of Cheesy Puff Corn and a bowl of Cap�n Crunch. So I jumped on the PC and busied myself with the pictures to stop the eating before it got any worse.

Up to then, I�d had a fairly good day. Fruit, water, protein bars, an LC dinner and a side order of steamed California blend veggies. I don�t know what made me go porky on the Cheesy Puff Corn, but the Cap�n was all about a serious sweet tooth. At least fortified cereal with lowfat milk has some redeeming qualities�better than candy or cake.

I�m thinking that I may be restricting a bit too much during the day, and it�s pushing me past the tipping point of self-restraint, come evening. So today, I upped myself from 2 to 3 fruits, and from 1 to 2 balance bars. And I started myself back on the multivitamin/mineral supplements last night, in case the food craving is about deficiencies.

I tell you one thing. My wallet is suffering from deficiencies. I�d forgotten how expensive it is to �go on a diet�. I got 5 Lean Cuisines, 7 Balance bars, a 28-pack of plain water and 6 Vitamin Waters, 4 tangerines, 4 apples, and 1 � lbs of red grapes. Plus a bottle of vitamins. Fifty bucks!!!! That�s enough �diet foods� for about a week, for one person. And believe me, I went to the best store around for good prices on these items. The store down the street is getting 51 cents more per Balance bar, and 69 cents more for a 20oz bottle of XXX. The 28-pack of Chippewa Springs � liters was only $3.99. But still, it adds up friggin� fast!

The good news is�I�m losing around a pound a day, in spite of all the self-sabotage. That won�t last, of course, but my goal is to drop a quick 15 before the 22nd, so I should be able to achieve that easily.

This isn�t about me having �size acceptance issues�, by the way. It�s about me being able to bend over and tie my shoes. And about me having a self-control issue that breaks my heart and makes me depressed.

Reading: Back to AHMM

Listening: �Christmas Golden Greats�. A whompin� big CD set of old Christmas recordings, from the glaringly obvious (Bing Crosby�s �White Christmas�) to the tantalizingly obscure (Jack Teagarden�s �Christmas Night in Harlem�). Also�a very nice mix of both hymns and secular songs. I love this set.

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