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20/30 November 18, 2007

Dang, what a gloomy weekend. It being drizzly and cold and grey, Spouse and I were what you might call non-productive this weekend.

Yesterday, we got up really late�9:00 for me, and then I was on the phone with Mom till Spouse rolled out at 10:42. (She adored her surprise gift.) Once we got our shit together, we went to Racine and shopped around a bit before settling on a camera, and then we headed up to Franklin to check out the new Sendik�s grocery store. We�ve been to the one in Brookfield and really liked it, but this one is a heckuva lot closer.

A great store. Terrific produce, meat and bakery, lots of interesting gourmet items, a great liquor department, and even a gorgeous gifts and floral section. Their prices are pretty reasonable for a carpeted grocery store�it looks like they are comp-pricing against Try-N-Save Pick-N-Save, which is their closest competition in the area. Not that that would make them cheap, exactly�but they sure offer a superior store at the same prices.

After we got done shopping, we just rolled home and kinda chilled out. I set up my new camera, and then gave Spouse one of his favorite thank you�s for the great present�a spa treatment for his feet. I set up the foot spa and let them soak for a while, then gave them a rosemary-mint salt-glow scrub.

For dinner, I made baked potatoes and the wonderful fresh green beans we bought at Sendik�s, and threw a couple of rib-eyes on the George.
Today was ultra-lazy day around here. By which I mean Spouse didn�t do a blessed thing, and all I did was do four loads of laundry and cook and wash dishes twice. Otherwise, I sat around and finally finished my book. Yeah, I�m a bum.

I didn�t fault Spouse much, actually�He�s working 3rd shift this week and has to be in at midnight, so I was really trying to get him to rest. He only has to work three nights because of the holiday, so he volunteered for it.

The downside is I�ll have him in my hair all friggin� week, and be ready to kill him by Sunday. Ugh.

And I�ll have to cook every night!

Reading: �Blind Side�, by Catherine Coulter. Thanks, Auntie E!

Beading: I�m thinking! I�m thinking!

Listening: Dean Martin, �Season�s Greetings�. Not so much a Christmassy CD as a Wintry one. It�s only about 25 minutes long, and of the 10 songs, only �White Christmas�, �Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer�, and �Christmas Blues� even mention the holiday. And even Christmas isn�t so bad when you can listen to ole Dino croon about �Rudy, the red-beaked reindeer�. All in all, it�s a breezy and cheerful way to face winter.

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