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my marriage is old enough to buy beer
June 15, 2006

21 years. Half my life.

When I realize I'm a mere four years away from my silver wedding anniversary, I feel so old, and so bewildered. How did we get here?

No plans for today, though. He has to work, and we have already decided that the Steely Dan concert on July 7th is the official anniversary marker.

The unofficial marker is our plan for this weekend--stay home, behind doors or gates, in the air conditioning or in the pool, cook out, hang out, and relax.

Sounds mighty sweet.

I could certainly use it. This last couple of days has been a bit stressy. Work is coming down on my head like that proverbial ton of bricks, and I seem to have acquired Spouse's cold.

I say seem to, because it's hard to tell if the stuffiness in my nose if from that, or if it is due to a typically whyme incident that happened Tuesday evening.

The pool was a deliciously brisk 78�F, and I decided to take a refreshing swim. About 20 minutes into it, I made a miscalculation surfaced too close to the side, smashing my face into the edge. Resulting in a nasty gash across the bridge of my nose, intense pain, swelling, black eyes, and possibly my fifth broken nose.

Yeah. I know. I shouldn't be allowed to run around loose.

Really, though--I did get his cold, or URI, or whatever. Because I felt horrible yesterday, and when I got home from work and took my temp, it was 101.3.

I mostly just rested last night, due to the aches and stuffiness and generally awful feeling. Did a load of wash, set up the coffeepot, had some soup. Finished reading "Airport". Took a couple of pain relievers and went to bed.

I woke up at 12:15, drenched in sweat. Guess the fever broke, because I feel a lot better today.

I had to do some shopping on the way home Tuesday--we needed an ink cartridge for the printer. So I went to (insert discount retailer name here), and spent about 45 minutes poking around. I bought the cartridge, and a silicone spatula, and a really cute black messenger bag to use for schlepping work around. And looked in vain for an ivory-colored pillar candle that isn't vanilla-scented.

Of course, that pissed me off, as I really dislike "vanilla" candles. They smell awful to me. So I became determined that I was by gum gonna find one. So I went to Pier One.

Success! A delicious floral scent called "Aspen Flowers", and a lovely, delicate ivory color.

When I got home, I did a simple arrangement with my antique green pottery bowl, small river stones, and the candle. Voil�! Nearly instant centerpiece for my dining room table.

Well, I like it, anyway.

I'm glad I got myself a new bag--looks like I'm going to be dragging more and more work home with me in coming days. There just aren't enough hours in the work week to get it all done. So, yes. I will be working for free. How much does that suck?

And another kick in the solar plexus, work-wise: This position has mid-year reviews.

Well, technically, so did my old one. Only we never had to do them, because the veep we reported to didn't have time for that sort of thing. So we got off easy. Considering we would have had to write our own reviews (fucked up company!), we got off very easy.

Well, the chickens are home to roost now--I have to have it done by the end of the month.

Speaking of the fucked up company I work for, they recently went through yet another re-branding. They hyphenated the two different halves of the company. So all the million little tchotchkes they have laying around, with one name or the other on them, are now worthless to them.

Unless, of course, they can sell them to the help, and make a buck!

You know, nothing instills confidence in an employee like your firm holding a garage sale.

And yes, I was a sucker, and bought something. A couple of somethings. A really neat little ten-foot, retractable measuring tape, and a travel mug. I got the travel mug because it is just like my current one, except it has a handle. I love my old one, but the seal is wearing out.

Well, interestingly, when I took a good look, I realized something. It is evidently a passenger's mug. That is, if you hold it by the handle, the opening is situated so that you have to hold it in your left hand to drink.

My cup holder is in the middle of the car. To the driver's right.

Correct. My company logo travel mug is backwards.

There's a metaphor in there.

Reading: "The Best of Sisters in Crime", edited by Marilyn Wallace. A used bookstore find.

Listening: XM, Beyond Jazz. Chick Corea, Michael Camilo, Frank Zappa.

Beading: not at present.

One Year Ago, I was marking a milestone.

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