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May 06, 2006, 7:24 P.M.

Things I did today that were giving into the depression:

Took Raj for a too-short walk.
Laid down on the sofa and slept from 9:00 am till noon.
Ate a huge bowl of Edy's "Ice Cream Sandwich" ice cream.

Things I did today that were fighting the depression:

Tidied up around the house
Watered the flowers
Swept floors
Scrubbed the bathroom
Washed dishes
Scoured the kitchen sink
Washed towels, clothing, and rugs
Read my books about fighting depression
Bathed, dressed, and left the house.

All right. That last thing--leaving the house? I went a total of four blocks, filled up my car, and came back home. It still counts.

And I think I came out ahead. This evening, I'm planning to pop in one of my "Wodehouse Playhouse" DVDs, and settle back to enjoy Pauline Collins and John Alderton while beading a DNA Spiral of pale pink delicas. I don't have a finished project in mind, but I just think I need to get my hands busy on some beading. So far, everything I've read says I'll be happier doing than not doing, so I'm plugging away.

Tomorrow, Spouse is off and the weather is supposed to be nice, so we're planning to do some more work in the yard. I want to start planning my containers for front and back, and perhaps I'll clean up the front porch while I'm at it. I'm actually looking forward to it a tiny bit.

Reading: "Feeling Good", by David Burns, and "Good Mood: The New Psychology of Overcoming Depression", by Julian L. Simon.

Listening: To the ruggies next door shrieking their ill-bred little heads off, mostly.

Beading: A DNA Spiral. Just to be doing (See above).

One Year Ago, I was RE-beading a Mother's Day gift.

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