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out the other side
April 19, 2006,

My fever broke in the night, and I woke up soaking wet with sweat. I feel relatively better today, but still wrung out. I feel like I could have crashed out one more day, but I pulled it together and went to work instead.

Yeah, what a mistake. 46 emails waiting in my inbox. Most of which were totally incomprehensible. Now I have to go around like a pathetic mooch, asking people to explain this shit to me.

Sigh. Yadda Yadda Ihatemyfriggingjob Yadda.

It made me cry again today.


Fever dreams and strange thought patterns were plaguing me last night after I went to bed. For some reason, I woke at one point to a feeling of triumph because I'd figured out the flaw in the whole 'Big Love' premise.

Health insurance.

How are these secondary and tertiary wives able to squeeze out all these damned brats if they don't work, and aren't eligible for Bill's health plan? No wonder the guy seems strapped for cash, if he's paying for all the obstetrics and maternity upfront!

Anyway--this is the kind of thing my mind sees as important, when it's been slow-cooking inside my skull for a day or two.

Reading: "Final Curtain", by Ngaio Marsh.

Listening: XM Comedy 150. Doug Stanhope, Kevin Meaney, AJ Jamal.

Beading: nuthin'.

One Year Ago, I was getting my mind around popes and prunes.

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