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can't help that day
April 10, 2006, 6:00 P.M.

Saturday? Whipped my ass. Load after load after load of laundry, reclamation of the superfund site that was my house, and the whole strip-flip and remake on the beds left me with one hell of a backache. No shit, the laundry alone must have run me 50 trips up or down the stairs.

When Spouse rolled in at 2:00 am, he found me asleep on the living room floor, with my legs up on the couch--the only way I can sleep when I've trashed my back. (Fortunately for me, today was chiro day, so I'm better now.)

Of course, I wasn't asleep for long, since he expected me to get up and make him some dinner. And talk to him and keep him company while he ate.

And if he hadn't gotten me up, I'm pretty sure that the horrific noise from the high speed chase and car crash 2 blocks away would have. Or the 87 different vehicles that screamed by with their sirens on, responding to said crash.

Yeah, apparently we were due for another tire-burning, high-speed pursuit down our street. We seem to get two or three a year, since our street is also a busy state highway.

Having worked my fingers to the bone on Saturday, including doing laundry for FOURTEEN HOURS, I had my ducks neatly aligned, and was looking forward to a lovely "me day" on Sunday.

Well, due to Spouse's extreme efficiency at work Saturday night, he was able to take Sunday off.

Resulting in me having him underfoot and sucking up all the time I'd thought I was getting to devote to me. Needless to say, I didn't get to eat what I wanted, do what I wanted, go where I wanted, or see who I wanted.

I managed to escape him for some of the day by taking a nap, and retreating into my beads, but I was pretty sick of him by bedtime.

Or maybe I was just "pretty sick". He made me eat lunch at that damned Buffalo Wild Wings again, and so far I'm two for two in getting sick afterward. I think their food is nasty. Anything that doesn't contain cayenne (MAJOR ALLERGY) is saltier than the Bonneville Flats, and the meat quality is borderline squicky.

Also--the undercooked bratwurst he served me for dinner probably didn't help matters. I told him they weren't done, dammit.

So, I was queasy and poopy this morning. In fact, this morning was just generally poopy. I was jounced out of a sound sleep at 4:47, by that liver-stomping pup-o-mine. And when the alarm went off one minute later, she made it quite clear that I was to stay put for a good snuggle. So I hit the snooze and loved my pooch for nine additional mintues.

Which put me generally behind from the get-go. Add in the aforementioned sicklies and the extra time required to see to Raji's medications, and I wasn't exactly pulling ahead. With one thing and another, I left the house about 15 minutes later than usual, and ended up in a bad traffic pocket. Yay. And when I was about 1/3 of the way to work, I realized that I'd forgotten my security badge. Which is necessary to enter the building. At least the guard on duty was someone who knows me, and he waved me through without any BS at the door.

This is an unusual amount of junk for a Monday morning--for me, anyway. Not pleasant. And I had to go straight into back-to-back meetings relating to my new position. Which is nerve-wracking, as the new boss seems to take it for granted that I have a lot of knowledge and experience that HEY! I don't!

Well, I did find out that of the 12 or so areas in which I'm now the designated "Subject Matter Expert", I actually know about one. So why don't I find that reassuring in any way?

Shit, I'm unhappy.

We got sad news from our neighbor yesterday--their Dalmation died. She was ten, and we've known her since she was born (they had owned her mom). She was a nice dog, and I get a little teary about it. She had to have some surgery, and died of a post-surgical infection. My neighbor is one of those guys who is wild about his dogs, so he was heartbroken. I feel for him so much.

I did try to make Spouse pay for cheating me out of my Sunday, by dragging him around looking for grave decorations. Unfortunately for me, I'm too damn good at figuring out where to go for stuff--I hit it first shot, when I told him "let's try Stein's". Then he decided to get all spendy and generous and get one for each grave, instead of one for each plot, as I had intended. Thus doubling the outlay.

And to top it off, he very conveniently had no cash, so I ended up springing for them! To the tune of 40 bucks!

I'm tellin' you, that b@$+@&d owes me for this whole Easter thing, major bigtime.

One thing I did kind of eff up this weekend--I managed to crash on the sofa and sleep through my window of Lexapro opportunity two nights running, and so ended up skipping my dose. To tell the truth, I didn't notice any difference, other than feeling less lethargic in the morning.

Which was nice, actually. It enabled me to jump right in and start working my heinder off Saturday morning, and to give Raji a grand Sunday tramp around the neighborhood.

It's during the week that I notice the Lexapro working, more than the weekend. I usually don't have the runaway anxiety on the weekend, anyway. It's the "three a.m. on a Tuesday and I can't shut my brain off" moments that go away when I take it.

I even felt creative enough to do my mom's Mother's Day gift yesterday. True, it wasn't hugely complicated, and I'm pretty much done with it, with only about two hours of effort. But I haven't been feeling motivated to bead at all for several days, and anything I've done has been forced by a guilty conscience.

So it felt good to do it because it felt good to do it. For a change.

And speaking of feeling good, I was delighted that today was sunny, warm, and altogether pleasant, with a vivid blue sky and a light, fresh breeze. I feel that to be worth mentioning, as such days are not exactly the norm around here, especially this year.

Reading: "Tied Up In Tinsel", by Ngaio Marsh.
Yes, another! I go through these periodic passions for Alleyn and Troy and Nigel and Brer Fox. Passions easily indulged, since I own 34 of the 36 books, and my local library has the two I was never able to buy.

Listening: XM, "Frank's Place". Margaret Whiting, Sammy Davis Jr., Ella Fitzgerald.

Beading: Strung necklace, with matching bracelet and earrings. Large glass pearls(round)in a lovely, pale spring green, complemented by firepolish rondelles in a darker shade of the same green.
For spacing and interest, I'm using natural 'potato' pearls and pale green #11 seed beads.
This set is my gift to Mom for Mother's Day this year.

One Year Ago, I was giggling. Over the "Golden Showers" Rose. Because--I'm like, 12.

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