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grey day
March 28, 2006, 559 P.M.

The weather is very glum today. A deep and dismal, rainy and foggy grey day.

It will probably be another year like 1997, when the weather was like this for right through till July, and we had one memorable run of 37 straight days of mist and rain. People were jumping in front of busses.

I don�t have what would be considered a valid reason for believing this�just the fact that we�re having a pool put in this year, and a lifetime�s experience of nothing ever going my way.

Well, that was a cheerful thought, wasn�t it?

Spouse and I joined forces to make a lovely dinner last night, which I enjoyed despite not being terribly hungry. I had prepped a roasting hen on Sunday night�all Spouse had to do was pop it into the crockpot at 1:00 pm. And when he ended up home for the evening, he decided to make homemade stuffing to go with it. I baked some sweet potatoes and steamed some vegetables and we had a very nice dinner, indeed.

The down side was, as I said, I had no appetite. Plus, the dishes were a bit daunting to someone as utterly exhausted as I. I crashed on the couch after I finished in the kitchen, dozing off over John Irving. Woke up at 1:05, took the dog out, and headed to bed. The bad new is, I did wake up several times in the night.

I don�t know if it is the new meds kicking in, or exhaustion catching up, but the good news is, I was able to get back to sleep when I did waken. At one point I actually tried to get a worry attack going in my head, but my mind just wandered off of the topic and went back to sleep. How glorious.

I�m still very tired, though. I need to do a bit more catching up before the dark circles go away and I feel peppy.

Urgh. My chest hurts, and my nose feels like it�s about to bleed. Some idiot (and a VP idiot at that) decided to �freshen� the air in her cubicle with a liberal dose of some overpriced designer room spray. Well, if she had a real office, that wouldn�t be a big deal, I guess. But since her walls don�t go up any higher than mine, I got gassed, bigtime.

Honestly. It smelled like a Bath & Body Works.

That had been stuffed into a beauty salon.

On half-price perm day.

It was better in the afternoon, though. I mean, who doesn't love it when the noxious stink of microwave popcorn permeates the air?

I got to wear my testing hat today, which is bittersweet. I still love it so much�I should be glad I still get to do it, even part-time. But it chaps my heinder so goddam bad that I only get to do it part time.

Oops. I�m breaking my new rule��Only think about work when they pay you to�.

Reading: "Until I Find You", by John Irving.

Listening: XM, "On Broadway". Songs from �Anything Goes�, �Candide�, and �Fosse�.

Beading: A long necklace with jade donut pendant and a multistrand/catch bead motif.

One Year Ago, I was enjoying the nice weather.

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