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can't escape the tuesday
February 16, 2006, 7:31 P.M.

The injury report:
I'm still feeling a considerable amount of discomfort when I try to do something strenuous. Like walking. Or sitting. Or putting on my socks.
But I do have to say that it feels a bit better each day. I'm just impatient. I have to confess that I did try to do some treadmill walking last night, but it didn't work out. Hey--no harm in trying, huh?
There. got that out of the way.

sweating the small stuff:
This week has a moral, and that moral is: even if you take the first two days of the week off, you cannot escape the Tuesday curse. It will simply bop you on the bean bright and early Thursday morning.

It started with the weather. It snowed overnight, but the temps were fairly high, so the roads were sloppy and I drove to work in that unsavory fine mist of road ick that one gets on days like today. Also--it was rainy, dark, thunderstormy, and miserable all day, adding to the slop factor. Now it's supposed to freeze up, adding to the slip factor.

Well, at least I'm not in Green Bay. They're having a blizzard today.

When I got to work, I found that a) it was SRCW's turn to be out, and b)I was unable to access one of my computer drives. The one where my office stores everything. After calling the help desk, I popped over to chat with Exboss about this-n-that, and happened to mention my plight. Well, it turned out he could tell me the exact reason for my drive issue. They moved all of my files to a new drive yesterday, and disabled the old one. He coordinated it. Unfortunately, he neglected to add my department to the mailing list, or our userids to the security list.

Uh, gee, Exboss...thanks for thinking of me.

Not the end of the world, but it did cause several inconveniences for me. And everything we saved yesterday is phpht.

And c) I raised an issue on a project that SRCW had already given the thumbs up to (without notifying me, I might add), so I got the third degree on why this was signed off, when it wasn't thoroughly tested and debugged. Of course, this is SRCW's bad, but she wasn't there to take the heat, so it all landed on me.

And d) I got a new, last minute, rush-rush, semi-impossible project today. What fun.

Apropos of nothing:
This song made me laugh till my nose bled.

I've been puttering around the house since I came home, doing a few chores and making my very virtuous dinner, but now, I think it's time to give the bum leg a rest and prop myself on the heating pad for a while.

Reading: "Do Not Exceed The Stated Dose", by Peter Lovesey.

Listening:XM Radio, "On Broadway". "Take Me or Leave Me", from Rent, "Don't Cry Out Loud" from The Boy From Oz, and a wonderful sort of cross between a duet and a duel between Angela Lansbury and Carol Channing, wherein Lansbury sang "Hello, Dolly" and Channing sang "Mame". I can't even say how much that gives this old musical-theatre geek the tingles.

One Year Ago, I was sick, so I didn't post.

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