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January 16, 2006, 7:02 P.M.

I need to find new places to be. On the �net, and in life. I looked around at my world today and realized that it is a grim and negative place. Everyone everywhere is bitching about something, even if it is in a way that passes for funny and entertaining.

All my bookmarks are for snark and criticism of one sort or another. And I think that all this perpetuates my depression, even when I�m laughing helplessly at someone�s take on a bad tv show or comic strip.

All I�m doing is feeding my negativity. I�m sick to death of being unsatisfied, unfulfilled, and unhappy, yet I continually seek out situations that reinforce those feelings. So.

Starting today, I am going to attempt to inject more positives into my life, and I�m starting with the decision (yes, again) to return to a healthy lifestyle.

The holiday indulgences segued into flat-out food abuse, and all my good habits vanished. So I am just dropping it, stopping, it, wadding all that bad stuff up and throwing it over my shoulder. Today, I go back to the basic feel-good stuff that gets me started down the right path. Lots of water, little-to-no wheat and dairy, fresh fruits and veggies out the wazoo, and walk, walk, walk (the girl is marrrcching!).

Another positive is to stop pretending I�m working on a bead project, and actually do one. I fiddle and plan and sort through beads and do all kinds of stuff that relates to, but is not actually, beading. Time to get started, already!

And I�m giving it another try at work, as well. Another attempt to be proactive and organized in my job, and stop waiting for leadership that isn�t there and isn�t going to be there anytime soon.

And I think it�s time to give up some of the snarking...the most mean-spirited, and angry. Something I started doing to make me feel good is starting to make me feel bad, so I need to start weeding out the worst offenders. I�ll keep Manolo, but say goodbye to GoFugYourself. I�ll keep the Comics Curmudgeon, but adios, FOOBiverse. Hello, Flea, g�bye, Twisty. (Awww, maybe not. Twisty doesn�t make me angry, she just makes me think. It�s the thinking that gets me angry.)

Just trying to wean myself off the props to my �fuck this world and all who sail on her� attitude, and be more into good stuff and less into bad.

Anyway. Spouse finally came home at about 11:00 on Saturday, from his unscheduled and unexpected extra half-shift, and immediately fixed the washer hoses, bless his little heart! He just took them off and flipped them around, and it solved the �hot = cold, cold = hot� problem.

The sun was shining, but he was tired and hungry, I shoved him through the shower, and we went over to Famous Dave�s to grab some lunch. Then we came home and I sent him to bed. I had planned on a quiet afternoon, beading and futzing around with the laundry and such.

It ended up being a lot quieter than that, since I conked out and took a bloody four-hour nap! Seriously�all that sunshine, and I passed out and woke up after dark. Slept till 6:30.

Got up, heated up some leftovers, stared at the TV awhile, and packed it in. I ran the dog out, and went to bed .

Yesterday, we got up early, both of us being �slept out� by 5:30 am. I went online and checked the Meijer ad, and we decided it was worth making a run to McHenry.

After I got the dog walked, and everybody was up and dressed, we headed for the diner for coffee and breakfast. Spouse rocked their world by ordering steak and eggs; he is legendary for always having the same thing. I had many precious cups of their wonderful coffee, along with bacon and french toast, made from their incredible homemade twist bread.

Then, it was off to shop. And shop we did. About three hundred dollars worth. (We only paid $174.00. Oh, how I love their bargains!)

In addition to all the groceries and other household necessities we picked up, I also got a new universal remote, three gorgeous, plush new bath towels (buy one for 9.99, get TWO free!), and three 200 ounce bottles of laundry soap (buy one for 13.99, get TWO free!).

After we finished there, I asked Spouse to make a stop at Borders, so I could check something. Long story short, I painted myself into a corner, and ended up spending my gift bucks.

Remember this?

Well, over in the DVD section, they had Set Three!

Now I have that warm and cosy feeling that comes of possessing the ENTIRE �Rumpole� collection.

All seven seasons! Forty-two episodes!


(Oh, I still want the �Upstairs, Downstairs� megaset, and I still want a new digital camera. But oh, I HAD to have the Rumpole.)

Once we got home, it took me some considerable time to get all that stuff put away. While I did that, Spouse fiddled around, programming the new remote appropriately for the television, DVD, VCR, and satellite. Fine with me�personally, I�d rather put away groceries than futz with the clicker.

It seems like I didn�t do much else yesterday, but in fact, I managed four more loads of laundry, as well as baking a cake, whipping up a pan of cornbread, making a pot of homemade vegetable soup, and playing several games of Cubis 2.

And, after dinner, I broke open my new treasure and watched the first episode of the set. A lovely, cosy end to a lovely, busy, and pleasant day.

Reading: �Partners in Crime�, by Agatha Christie.

Listening: XM, Fred. Devo, Gary Numan, Ultra Vivid Scene, �Til Tuesday, Peter Gabriel, Butthole Surfers, and Nitzer Ebb. Quite the eclectic mix�which is why I love that channel so much.

Beading: Trying a new design I found in "Step By Step Beads" magazine, called "Crystal Wheel". No! Really, this time! I am, I mean it!

One Year Ago wasn�t much different.

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