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getting things fixed
January 14, 2006, 6:38 A.M.

Well, the Central Appliance guy came last night, and put a new water valve on the washing machine. And the water pressure rocks, now. And I really appreciate him coming at 6:45 on a Friday night.

There's just one, itty-bitty, teensy problem.

The hot water is cold, and the cold is hot. He put it together backwards.

Spouse says that the hoses just need to be flipped, but it sure is eating up the hot water, using it on the rinse cycle! I suppose Spouse will eventually either call the repairman back, or fix the problem himself. But meanwhile, I've got wash to do, and I really don't want to wait.

I'm glad it's fixed, and I'm glad that Spouse finally got the message that he needed to get that taken care of for me. Even if he didn't fix it himself, at least he called the repair service for me.

We had a serious talk the other evening--Spouse and me. Once I came up for air from my own battle, I realized that he was suffering from the same issue. The man is seriously depressed. I approached him with it, and got him to admit that he isn�t enjoying anything anymore--not even spending time with the kids. So I made him take the NYU symptomology checklist quiz.

He was a bit taken aback to find that he registered as moderately to severely depressed. (I wasn�t.) But then he started in about the hopelessness and the helplessness--a song I know all too well--and I gave him a bit of a lecture about the nature of depression and the way it�s treated these days.

So he actually took the initiative and called for a doctor appointment. Keep in mind that this is the man I had to force to the doctor when he had the frigging walking pneumonia!

So that was all I needed to hear, to know he was actually pretty glad to have someone force him to acknowledge that there�s a problem. So he�s seeing the doc on the 19th, and I�m hoping we can get him back in the land of the living.

�Cause I really fucking miss him.

I still have to do something about my own issues, of course, but one step at a time, I guess.

The weather was utterly icky yesterday, fading in and out between rain and snow, with a cold and rushing wind driving it all into us. I ran a few quick errands (B&BW had mega-butter half price! I got three.) and came home to collapse on the sofa with old Kay Francis movies on Turner Classic, for the rest of the afternoon. I napped a bit here and there, and then got up at 5:45 to tidy up around the house, run the vacuum, and do some dirty dishes. I just ran out for Chinese to take care of dinner, and after the washer man came, I did a couple of loads so I could get dressed today.

I went to bed at ten, which is odd for a Friday, but I wanted to get up early this morning, so I could wash bedding before Spouse got home. Specifically, his bedding. I�ve not had the chance to do it since before he got sick, and frankly? IT STINKS. So I�m doing that right now, and then I�ll do my own. I hate dirty sheets. Ugh.

(I�ve battled with depression long enough to know one thing--wallowing is bad enough, without actually wallowing in your own filth. When bed is the closest thing to comforting you�ve got, clean and neat and fresh is much more effective than rumpled and stale and funky.)

Other than that, I really don�t know what the plan is for today. It all depends on Spouse, I guess. We�ll see how he feels when he gets home. If he wants to go straight to bed, I�ll go do my shopping and leave him alone. If he�s up to it, he�ll come along. Either is okay with me.
Well, this is odd. It's 9:30 and Spouse isn't home, hasn't called, and I don't know what's up. I am proceeding with the laundry, but up in the air on anything else. After I completed washing, drying, and reassembling the Spouse bed, I showered and went for a long walk with Raj, and then started my bed. But I wish the Spook would at least call, if he's working late. I worry.

Reading: �The World's Worst Cars--From Pioneering Disasters to Multimillion Dollar Failures�, by Craig Cheetham.

Listening: The Drive, Deep Tracks. (Classic Rock Internet Radio) CCR, Pink Floyd, Rod Stewart, Jim Croce.

Beading: Trying a new design I found in "Step By Step Beads" magazine. It's for a toggle, but I think it would make a great pendant. Called "Crystal Wheel".

One Year Ago, I saw the sun!

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