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a woman of the oh-ohs
January 12, 2006,

National De-Lurking Week! If You Stop By, Say Hi!

Wow. I feel so much better today! Still a bit achy and draggy, but really�so much better.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the sun is doing some actual, prolonged shining today. Not something we see a lot of here, especially in January, so it is most welcome. And if it has a mood-enhancing effect, so much the better.

I�m not even sure how I managed to stumble home and through my evening tasks last night. I dimly remember cooking dinner, cleaning up the kitchen, and then huddling on the couch under a quilt, and passing out during the last few minutes of �The New Detectives�. I got up when Spouse was leaving for work, smooched him, took the dog out to the backyard, quickly laid out some clothes�and flopped face-down on the bed, out cold.

The life I lead is so damned exciting, isn�t it?

In my defense, I really was sick. I�m hoping that the worst is over, though. And that I can get some beading done tonight. Yeah�because that�s waay more exciting than passing out on the couch. Oh, well�what can I say? I�m one seriously boring, hardworking, loud-bitching woman of the 00�s.

Doesn�t that look f*cked up? The 00's? My brain wants to pronounce it the Oh-Ohs. Which fits, I suppose.

I had flirted with the notion of using my 10th anniversary gift checks from work to get the complete series of �Upstairs, Downstairs� on DVD. But I find I�m having a really hard time rationalizing spending $200.00 on such a thing, even when half of it is a gift. I really hate how freaking cheap I am, dammit.

Anyway, my latest thought for spending the hundred gift bucks is a new digital camera.
I want to start posting photos of my beadwork, and I no longer have a scanner, so a decent digital is a must.

The key word being �decent�. I do have a digital camera, BUT.

My battery-sucking, low-resolution, �What�s a mega-pixel?�, first generation pile o� crap digital is ready to be consigned to the island of dead photographic equipment, along with my old Polaroids, Kodak Instant, Disc, Instamatic, and 110. And I think it will be easier for me to blow a wad of my own money on a new camera, for some reason. Now I�ve just got to find out what kind to get. All I know is I want at least five MP, and I want to spend $200 or less. (I suppose these two goals are directly incompatible with each other, but I�m going to try.)

D popped into the office today; one of her former team members just handed in his (very short) notice, so she came for the farewell lunch. More changes, more folks leaving, more direct negative impact to my job effectiveness. Christ, that place is falling apart.

But it was great to see D. She�s doing fabulously on her weight loss�she�s down to an eighteen, and looking very healthy. Whenever I think I�m a bit envious, though�I remember that I really don�t envy her the mechanical device
in her abdomen that has a stranglehold on her stomach, and keeps her from eating more than a couple of tablespoons of food at a time.

She�s busy as heck right now�it looks like they will be building a house, since they can�t find one to suit them where they are moving.

Okay�the big news this week is the �A Million Little Pieces" expos�, but all I can say about it is that I stumbled that book back in 2003, while looking for a non-religious counterpart to the traditional 12-step recovery programs.

It didn�t sidetrack me for long; I found the writing abysmal, the author/protagonist completely unsympathetic, and the story mostly ridiculous. I gave up and threw it in the �donate� pile at the library, then promptly forgot about it, until all the recent brouhaha. Damn�should have kept it. It might have been more entertaining to read after The Smoking Gun report.

But I doubt it.

(Sorry, Oprah.)

Reading: �Alfred Hitchcock�s Mystery Magazine�, the March issue.

Listening: XM, On Broadway. A little Nathan, a little Mandy, a little Barbra... and �The Internet is For Porn�, from Avenue Q.

Beading: Designing a badge-holder. Except I was STILL feeling crappy, so I STILL haven�t worked on it.

One Year Ago, I was venting my spleen.

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