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January 03, 2006,

It did not start out to be a very good day. Well, Tuesday, for one thing. Spouse woke me at three a.m. with his hacking and crouping, and I never did get back to sleep. When I took the dog for a walk, a fine mist was saturating everything and I ended up having to come home and re-do my hair. I spilled coffee on myself when preparing my first cup this morning, and then spilled on myself again in the car when the lid popped off my travel mug.

I had to put up with a fair ration of direct and indirect bullshit at the office this morning, and then I got called into my boss�s office. Oh, fuck�what now?

Well, congratulations, actually. I got my promotion. And a decent raise to go with it.

AND a free C-note, for my company anniversary.

So yeah, the day is going a little better, I guess.

I think I will finally get to buying myself something for Christmas, now that I can afford it. If I can find something I want, that is. I can think of all kinds of things to buy, really. But new sheets for my bed, or new throw rugs, aren�t really what I had in mind.

I just can�t seem to find anything to read, or any movies or TV shows that I want on DVD. And I have all kinds of beading ideas, but lousy choices and selection when it comes to local bead stores, so I can�t find anything I want to buy there, either.

Maybe I�ll just go to Penney�s and get some new bras or some clothes.

Reading: �Wolf to the Slaughter�, by Ruth Rendell

Listening: XM, Hank's Place. Hank Sr, Hank Jr, Johnny Cash, and the like.

Beading: The dark amber carnival DNA spiral reached 36 inches, and I finished the ends with large gold teardrop beads. It�s a lariat necklace! I�m currently trying to bead a slide for it, but it looks cute looped or tied, too.

One Year Ago, I was into my stuff.

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