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sunday morning, perking up
Sunday, Apr. 24, 2005, 11:40 AM

A quick update from the office on this chilly Sunday morning.

I got up about 6, showered, dressed, and took the dog out for a nice long walk. Spouse got up and got himself going while Raji and I were out, and we took advantage of the relatively early hour to go to the Diner. It gets pretty crowded by eight, so we wanted to get there before the rush started.

After the usual fabulous Diner breakfast, we drove over to the hardware store for some of the special yard-waste bags mandated by the city, along with some other odds and ends.. Spouse ended up being off today, so he's going to do more work outside, and in the garage.

Bumped into a friend at the hardware store, so we chatted with him for a little while, then paid and headed home.

After a quick smoke, I headed for the office and he headed for the yard, to get to work.

The validation I came in for is now complete and successful, and I'm just taking a minute to update before heading down to the gym, and then home to putter.

Conversation between me and Spouse in the car this morning:

Spouse:"The Falls at Pike Creek". What a stupid name for those condos. No creek, no falls. WTF?

Me: Yeah, but "The Retention Pond by the Flour Mill, Next to the Freight Train Tracks" didn't have quite the same ring to it.

Spouse: Guess not.

Me: They named that new office complex "Old Elm Place"? I didn't think there were any old elms anymore. I thought the Dutch Elm Disease got them all.

Spouse: We should have leveled The Netherlands for that shit.

Me: Wouldn't we have to haul in an awful lot of dirt to level The Netherlands?
Spouse: Somebody had a big breakfast this morning.

The sad, weird thing is, this is pretty much how we talk to each other.

Enough of this...off to the gym, and then home. With a possible stop at the bead store.

25 minutes
1.37 miles
177 calories

Plus a few sets on that one machine I don't know the name of, but it tones the backs of your upper arms.

(Still)Reading: "Where is Joe Merchant?", by Jimmy Buffett.

Listening: XM "Laugh", channel 151. "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park", by Tom Lehrer

Beading: In a fit of stubbornness last night, I sat down and finally finished the necklace I've been working on. I want to do a bracelet and earrings to match, but I need copper-colored earring findings.

recede - proceed

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