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domestic...what's the opposite of "bliss"?
Sunday, Mar. 13, 2005, 7:07 AM

Well, the Houseguest has arrived. Spouse told Papa that he should come around 2 or three in the afternoon, so naturally he showed up at 12:30.

He wasn't here ten minutes before he started whining for coffee. Between Spouse's increased coffee consumption on the weekends he works, and Papa needing regular infusions of java several times a day, my carefully calibrated coffee budget is right out the window. I buy high-quality coffee, which I dole out to myself in such a way as to make a bag of beans last about two weeks. We went through half a bag yesterday. This could get expensive.

And, because it is apparently beyond his befuddled old brain (what a con THAT is) to remember alternate-side parking, I have to give up my driveway and park on the side street. Oh, yay. Now all I have to worry about is him backing into the fairly heavy traffic on my street. THAT's reassuring.

Yesterday was every bit the workload I expected it to be, and more. I did Eight. Loads. Of. LAUNDRY.
My washer and dryer ran from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm. Sheets, blankets, comforters, towels, Spouse's work clothes (come onnn with the uniforms already!) Lights, darks, MY work clothes...I felt like I was in laundry hell. And the 56 trips up and down the basement steps were just an extra added bonus.

Of course, I also picked up, vacuumed, dusted, swept, scrubbed, stripped beds, remade beds, washed dishes, took the dog out 10 times, entertained my FIL, and a million other little chores and duties that needed attention.

I love a "day off", don't you? Off of what? Besides the payroll, I mean...

Today, it's grocery shopping, for which I'll have to go to at least three stores, because I live in a town where you can't get good meat, good dairy, and good coffee in one place. Or even two. Plus I want to go to the Italian Deli for some stuff.

Oh, and a Sunday dinner is expected, apparently. Screw it, they're getting Pot Roast. Throw it together, shove it in the oven, and walk the hell away.

After that, I think I'd like to sit and bead, if I may. But if Spouse gets home early, as he thinks he may, then I probably won't even get to do that.

Exactly when did I lose the last shred of control over my own life?

Don't you think that if I'd really wanted to live a life of sacrifice and service to others, that I would have had KIDS?

Holy Sheep Shit!! I spent $127.00 for Groceries!

Well. I hope I don't need anything else this week, because I have exactly $1.87 in my wallet, and it's gotta get me to payday on Friday.

Reading: "The Best American Mystery Stories 2001",An anthology of stories edited by Lawrence Block and Otto Penzler. Also, �Citizen Girl�, by Emma McLaughlin & Nicola Kraus.

Listening: Sirius Satellite Radio, "Standards"

Beading: Dis-assembled my green Swarovski bracelet last night. Want to get started re-weaving it today. Maybe?

recede - proceed

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