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typically evil tuesday
Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2005, 6:10 PM

"I (swear I) am going to: wash & dry the throw rugs, run the vacuum, and do some general tidying around here tonight. I'm cooking the salmon so it doesn't get wasted, and eating my tasteful and sensible meal. I'm doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen after dinner. I may even walk the dog again."

Well, I didn't walk the dog.
Everything else got done, though. Last night's dinner was lovely, salmon steak marinated lightly in fresh lemon juice, sprinkled with dried dill, and topped with thin slices of lemon--wrapped in a foil pouch and baked at 450 for 15 minutes. Mmmmm. The risotto I can take no credit for, since it was the wonderful 'Spearean Risotto from "Trader Giotto"... a/k/a Trader Joe's frozen asparagus risotto. But it is soooo fabulous. I steamed the broccoli, and seasoned it with (more) fresh lemon, a pinch of Kosher salt and a tiny bit of butter. You can't get a simpler, better meal, in my opinion.
And, I got my rugs washed, floors done, and managed to find the dining room table again under the piles of crap. Even managed to finish the book I've been reading for an inordinately long time. And I felt better about myself and my whole day, having accomplished a little something.

Have I mentioned that Tuesdays absolutely blow goats?
Raj woke me up early with a kidney stomp, I got my period, I managed to cut my finger with a pair of scissors (not ON a pair of scissors. I actually had my finger in the blades, and snipped. Yow.), did one of those comical 'almost' falls during our morning walk, making me feel like someone kicked me repeatedly in the knee, and I spilled my coffee. Then, on the way to work, I ran out of washer solvent just at the point on the Interstate where it was too late to stop and get any.

Great start to the day.

The day didn't get any better as it went along, either. As far as work goes, suffice it to say that I'm any closer than ever to smacking someone.

And just to round out the work day, I got all the way out on the road before I realized that I'd forgotten my partial. I'd taken it out earlier, and put it in a styrofoam cup of water. I'm having issues with it again, and my mouth was sore. The thing is, the fucked up place where I'm employed works like this: the cleaning crews will never throw away your dirty cups--unless you DON'T want them to. It would be just my luck to go in tomorrow and find that some custodian had chucked a $1300.00 dental appliance. So, naturally, I had to turn around and go all the way back for it.

Gym Report:
25.00 minutes
1.39 miles
184 calories
I took it slightly easier today, on account of I HURT. But I didn't punk.

I've got a possible commission for a "boot anklet", if I can figure it out. A co-worker (the one that almost got carjacked) has one, and she has friends who would like something similar. I have to look at it closely, before I can tell if it is something I'm capable of. But it would be worth looking into...I know I swore I wouldn't get into that again, but this is a person who knows better than to double-cross me. I have an idea brewing that's based on the bead-netting necklace pattern in one of my books. And since that is a stitch W can do, I may be able to have her help me figure it out.

Tonight is all about the beads, baby...I'm turning the computer off, A&E on, and sitting down to some real beading. I mean, I'm beading in my head all the time, but I am actually going to touch, string, stitch, weave, etc. Last night's leftovers made a quick dinner with minimal mess, and that leaves me more time to bead, bead, bead!!!! BWAHAHAHA!

Jeez...you think I need my occupational therapy much?

Reading: Finally finished �The Eyre Affair"! Started "The Last Time They Met", by Anita Shreve. My first Anita Shreve, of whom I've heard good things. Too soon to tell, although her weird style of writing dialogue--commented out of the text with dashes and italics--is already starting to drive me crazy. Someone needs to introduce her to quotation marks.

Listening: XM--Laugh USA, The Loft

Beading: Trying to work out earrings in the bright silver metallic spiral, ALSO, started plotting a boot anklet as mentioned above.

recede - proceed

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