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the reminder, stage one
Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2005,

27.00 minutes

1.42 miles

190 calories

Good workout.

I was talking to Spouse the other day, and mentioned that all he talks about is next August, but what about June? He was clueless. I said that there was an event coming up in June which many would consider significant. He was still clueless. I said some people consider twenty years of marriage a cause for celebration. At this point, I see the light come up in his eyes, and just as soon as it dawned on him, he turned all defensive. He started demanding to know what I was expecting. I had a time getting him to understand that I had, as yet, no plans for our anniversary. This was a simple heads up, six months out, to wake him up to the fact that I would be expecting some kind of significant celebration come the middle of June. He didn't really get the point, but then he's totally oblivious to my effective husband-management techniques.

I'm tired, headachy, my shoulder still hurts, and I'm getting breakthrough GERD from stress at work.
I'm not looking forward to pork chops and rice-a-roni for dinner. But he is, so guess what?
...Hi ho, Hi Ho...

Reading: �The Eyre Affair", by Jasper Fforde (1st Thursday Next book)

Listening: XM Laugh USA, Avenue Q CD

Beading: Started a DNA Spiral of seed beads, bright silver metallic finish. A sort of mock-metal chain.

recede - proceed

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