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who put the beans in my bindle?
Monday, Jan. 17, 2005,

The pain of a dislocated shoulder, the fact that the temperature is in single digits, and my general dissatisfaction with my career have combined to put me into another bad mood. I have no patience today.

I wrote a screed about it, which I then decided against posting to my diary.

So this entry will probably be kind of short.

Workout Report:

1.31 miles

25.00 minutes

176 calories

Yes, my shoulder is killing me. But I didn't let that stop me.

I wish everyone would just go away and leave me alone. I hate people today. The tart who sits by me at work had just about every member of her fan club come around at some point today (bunch of horndogs), so I had to listen to hours and hours of inane bullshit of the flirty, eyelash-batting variety. I wanted to chew my own leg off and get away.

Urgh. I'm feeling too antisocial to even spend time with my diary. Best stop now, before I have another entry I can't post.

Reading: �The Eyre Affair", by Jasper Fforde (1st Thursday Next book)

Listening: Not really in the right mood .

Beading: I've finished with the "hugs and Kisses" bracelet of pearlescent grey beads. Nothing new started.

recede - proceed

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