rhymes with rhyme

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Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2004, 7:32 PM

The good news is, I found my earring.

That�s it. The rest of this day has sucked like you wouldn�t believe.

Tuesdays always do, but this one was about as bad as it gets. All of the fallout from this crappy release began raining down on me today. Fixes to test, on-the-fly analysis to perform, and a huge helping of my absentee supervisor�s slack to be taken up.

Interestingly though, when I was meeting with my boss to discuss all of the shit he wants me to do, he told me I could expect my promotion mid-year 2005. AND that he �was kicking himself for not doing it this year�.

Now that is as close to �I was wrong, and I apologize� as I�m ever going to get, so I�ll take it.

I ended up getting no lunch, working late, and got put on the spot as I was attempting to leave. At least they took my opinion seriously, and based their decision on what I had to say. Tomorrow looks to be another heller, though.

Then, I ended up in the worst of the rush-hour traffic from hell on the way home, including an accident scene blocking the road. Poor Raji was a good girl, but I hate to make her wait so long.

I�m trying to get some stuff done around the house tonight, even though I�m bushed. I made up a chores checklist list and am determined to do finish it before bed. 3 loads of laundry, clean up kitchen, general picking up around house, put trash on curb, walk dog, wash and refill dogs water dish, mend torn pants, set up coffeepot and lay out clothes for morning, write diary entry, and work up a packing list for the weekend.

So far, I�m two loads into the wash, I�ve mended the pants, walked the dog, curbed the trash, cleaned up the kitchen, did the dog�s dish and the coffeepot, and written this entry.

I rock.

Reading: �Murder for Christmas II", an anthology of short stories by various authors with a self-explanatory title.

Listening: "XM Comedy 150", because good grief, I need the laughs.

Beading: Finished the crisscross bracelet for my mom, finished a pair of grey pearl earrings I�d started a few weeks ago, and have been too busy to start anything else.

recede - proceed

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