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random rambling
Monday, Dec. 20, 2004,

Monday, and it is still so G-D cold I can't stand it. The office was about 50 frickin' degrees, today, and I swear I could see my breath in the gym.

I managed to get an appointment to get my teeth adjusted on Wednesday at four, which means I'll lave to leave work at 3:00, but at this point I have to take what I can get in the way of appointments. This thing is sawing a hole through my cheek, and I have to get it fixed. I know if I don't, I'll just stop wearing it, and that would be really stupid and wrong. My boss will just have to deal. It isn't like I'm asking the moon, after all.

I managed to get one pair of my new pants hemmed last night (the khakis), and I think I'm just going to have the local tailor do the others. I can't deal with the hand-sewing anymore. My hands were swollen, numb, and poked full of holes when I woke up this morning. It took me almost TWO HOURS to hem one pair. I know the tailor is cheap, good, and convenient, so to hell with it.

I don't want to be part of another "Silent Generation", like my parents. Don't ask me what it means--just a random, free-floating thought that drifted across my consciousness during my morning ablutions.

I found out today that my supervisor, whom I thought was out till the 27th, will in fact be out till the 3rd of January. And the next two weeks, which were supposed to be free of projects, will have projects.
Sigh... I gotta find a better job.

Vanity Fair started a website. Big whoop. How very 1999 of them...now that it's practically 2005. I see it has forums, so I'm sure the flames will be burning bright about every subject. Personally, I made the decision last year to stop subscribing to the print mag. Nothing in it interested me anymore, and it began to be very partisan. And over the course of the election year, the partisanship really became more and more blatant. Spouse, thinking he was doing me a favor, renewed my subscription again, but this time I went off on him. Come next October, I'm leaving a DO NOT RENEW note on the bill.

When I first started subscribing to VF, I really enjoyed the variety of articles on all kinds of interesting subjects, including politics. But when it became a political rag full of subscription cards, adds for luxury goods, and sob stories of the rich and famous, I threw up my hands and threw in the towel. I don't read it at all anymore; it sits in its plastic wrapper till I chuck it out.

I could cry--I lost an earring today. One of my opal studs, that I've had for twenty years. I thought I must have lost it in the locker room when I was changing to or from my workout clothes, but I backtracked and didn't find it. I guess I won't be seeing it again. I just feel sick about it.

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