rhymes with rhyme

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entry #209
Thursday, Nov. 18, 2004,

Goddammit, it's so embarrassing when you stress out to the point where you cry. Everything about work is just so screwed up that I can't deal. I should be almost a third done with my projects; I haven't started, because one friggin' bug is holding everything else up. Next week, I have to be covering for the absentee boss again, and I know from experience that I won't be given the time to test. WHEN? WHEN am I to be allowed to do my job?

Really, I don't have a lot to say today. I'm currently caught between the no-life and the unrelentingly sucky life, so I have nothing to put down that is worth the time.

Reading: �There's Always Another Windmill" a collection of poems by Ogden Nash

Listening: Jethro Tull, �20 Years of Jethro Tull�

Beading: On hold for now.

recede - proceed

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