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lacking a cohesive theme
Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2004,

I�m so out of touch I saw that picture of the Marlboro Man soldier and did not instantly fire off a letter to the editor protesting this flagrant and unhelpful depiction of � what�s the word? - reality.

For God�s sake, if Patton were alive today he�d be slapping civilians. Granted, we�re talking about a select stratum of the population whose undies come pre-bunched, but even by their standards this is ridiculous.

Things are starting to slowly chug along at work, although there are still a zillion places where we have to work around an unresolved bug. Nothing is working correctly, but at least we can get far enough along to identify and write up some of the issues.

I was so beat last night that I had to keep moving so I wouldn't fall down in a heap of unconsciousness.
I got dinner on--fairly simple matter of sticking the turkey and the stuffing, suitably be-foiled, into the oven, and then steaming some frozen peas and heating a can of gravy. But I was so drag-ass it may as well have been haute cuisine. Then I did all of my usual evening chores. Did the dishes, took out the trash, washed a load of laundry, set up clothes and coffee for morning, and tended to the food/water/potty breaks of the dog. I also played a game of "Be-Spelled", watched the end of a Douglas Sirk movie on TCM (Magnificent Obsession), and went to bed and did a couple of crosswords.

I slept for shit, unfortunately. I woke up going east-west on a north-south bed at one point, and from what I remember of my dreams, they were pretty bizarre and f'ed up. I woke up feeling like I'd been beaten with a sack of doorknobs.

The craptacularly evil weather isn't helping my energy or my aches. Dark, drizzly, damp, and depressing. There is no f'ing good weather here. It ALWAYS sucks.

And I need to get my sorry ass back on the diet and exercise. I know it helps. I KNOW it. What stops me??
Why do I think it is a better idea to climb into the recliner with a Milky Way Bar? I got some genuine f'ed up wiring in me.

Reading: �Created in Darkness by Troubled Americans--The Best of McSweeney's Humor Category"
I'm sorry, but I'm just not finding this very funny. Perhaps McSweeney's should consider renaming that category.

Listening: XM, �Sonic Theater�

Beading: On hold for now.

recede - proceed

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