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my geode must be acknowledged
Saturday, Nov. 13, 2004, 7:54 PM

I don't know if I'm mad because I know the package was delivered, but I don't know if it was stolen, or if I'm mad because I think she got it and didn't bother to acknowledge, or if I'm mad because W is the only person I know who can get a package in the mail and NOT bother to open it.

Anyway, I'm a wee bit mad.

Spouse said she went by this afternoon when he was out in the yard, and he flat-out asked her if she'd gotten it. "I dunno. T brings in the mail, and if there's a package, I just figure it's for Christmas and ignore it."

So did she then go home, find it, open it, (maybe love it) and then call or e-mail a little reassurance to her old pal?

I think Charlie Brown described it best, when he said: "AAARRRGGGHH!"


If I am to be the most superior friend that I strive to be, I must not let this affect our relationship in any way.


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