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halloween. BOO!
Sunday, Oct. 31, 2004, 6:04 AM

I've been schooled. By my dog.

I got up this morning and decided I'd just run her out quick, and we'd take her walk later, when it was light. Well. I slipped on an old pair of loafers and prepared to go out in my robe. Well, she knows from experience that Mom's robe means 'no walkies at this time'.

She barked sharply at me, shook her head hard in my direction, grabbed my sweats from the laundry basket, and flung them at me. Honestly, if she'd just opened her mouth and said "Get dressed, woman, and WALK me", it could not have been any plainer.

So naturally I did as she instructed. I'm so owned by that dog. Just exactly who is whose bitch, I'm never sure.

I wish I was the sleeping-in type. Unfortunately, countless generations of farmer-ancestors have bequeathed me the rise-n-shine gene, and up I pop.
Even on weekends. I may not be very shiny, but I rise anyway. This morning, I've already gotten up, got dressed (for the first time, anyway) washed, dried, and refilled the dog's bowls, taken my meds, ground fresh beans and made coffee, ran an ad-watch scan, read my emails, sent two e-cards to friends for Halloween, and started a diary entry. I suck.

I need to get cleaned up and run a few errands this morning. I found a couple of kitchen items I forgot at the store Friday, and I want to go buy that small stereo I've been wanting. And I need to fill the Rocket up for the week as well.

As much as I'd like to lounge all morning, my afternoon is spoken for by the trick-or-treaters, so I need to haul my can around town this morning and get it out of the way. The wind died down overnight and it was lovely out at 5, when I took the dog. I hope, for my sake, it is a nice T-O-T day. Oh, well-even if it's chilly, I've got nice home-made soup to warm me back up!

recede - proceed

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