rhymes with rhyme

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Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004, 6:25pm

Oh, hell. I�m fuzzy-headed and thick today�cumulative exhaustion I think. And my Raji was under the weather this morning, but not so much so that she couldn�t yack her pill back up and spit it across the kitchen. And Spouse is coming home today, but is doing a turnaround�off tomorrow and back on the road on Saturday. So between his usual high maintenance self, the new furnace installation, and the mountain of dirty laundry he�s bringing home needing to be washed, dried, folded and re-packed�I�ll be lucky if I can even get my meds refilled tomorrow.

Bummer, but I really have no control over anything, so why fight it. My life is not its own thing. It is just support for the lives of others.

My team leader was back today, all full of the stuff she learned at her class. Ooooh, hippity-fuckin�-hooray
And grilling me about what got done around there in her absence.

Honest to god, the worst thing you can do to me is make me talk to people all day. It ends up being emotionally, mentally, and physically draining, and after the week I�ve had since Monday, I�m feeling positively retarded. I do NOT have the personality to handle this. Sure, I have a certain talent for faking the teacher/ boss/ Yoda/mom business, but I can�t sustain it. No stamina whatever. AND it bores me. Last night, even the television and the computer were too much. I ended up turning powering off each of them in turn, looking for a peaceful level. Even the dog was too much contact.

I feel even worse today, after another lousy night. I really wish I could've come home and crashed today. BUT. Nope, can�t, because I have to go home, pretend I�m all glad to see him, generally be �up�, etc. And immediately brush my teeth, drive to the north side, and go to the dentist.

Life�s a real party, huh?

Power plays, politics, and other corporate time wasting aside, this next month and a half at work is gonna be a bitch of a bear. Around here, they like to screw around for the first 9 or 10 months of the year and then try and play catch-up in November and December. So it is psycho time.

recede - proceed

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