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shafted at work
Monday, Oct. 18, 2004,

Lileks, on yard signs:

�Me, I'm tempted to put a gigantic NIXON-LENIN '04: FOR A STRANGER AMERICA! sign on my lawn just to make people stop and wonder if they've missed something. Or maybe SLUB'GAROTH, THE UNBLINKING WORM-SHAPED ELDER GOD, FOR SCHOOL BOARD. He'd win. No one ever remembers the name of a school-board candidate, but you'd remember SLUB'GAROTH.�

Lileks, on the movie, �The Day After Tomorrow�:

�Early in the movie we infer that Dennis Quaid is no longer married to Sela Ward because his demanding job as a paleoclimatologist drove her away. Given that this means he preferred drilling ice to � well, Sela Ward, do you expect us to have any sympathy for this idiot at all?�

I�m very tired and achy today, after yesterday�s attack on the basement. We hauled 21 bags of trash out of there, plus numerous other bulky items like the broken electric fans, the old typewriter, TV, record player, and the exercise machine that dislocates my shoulder every time I use it We are not done down there, by a long shot. But at least the furnace guys will be able to work. And it looks a whole lot better already.

I did a turkey breast, stuffing, peas, and baked sweet potatoes for dinner last night. Tonight will be turkey and stuffing again, with mashed potatoes and corn. Yeah. On top of cleaning out the basement, I cooked a full turkey dinner.

Raji had a seizure yesterday. It wasn�t the worst one she�s ever had, but it is nerve-wracking to her and to me. I am afraid that we won�t have her much longer. I just have a horrible feeling now, what with her bumps, and how often she�s been sick lately, and that she�s having seizures again. But all I can do is love her, I guess. It�s what she wants most of all when she�s seizing. She crawls into my lap and buries her head in my bosom while I stroke her and murmer reassuringly. It is all anyone can do. Her vet said that any meds for epilepsy would do her more harm than good, and unless the seizures were like on a daily basis, he didn�t recommend them. So�we hold her and love her and do our best.

On 09/15/04, I wrote: �You know, I had a sneaking suspicion that once the job opening dried up, my boss�s interest in me taking a class would dry up, as well. And so it goes��

I just wish I could take some sort of satisfaction from being right. But when you are right about suspecting you are getting royally screwed, there just ain�t any satisfaction to be had.

He denied it. Apparently, I�m so indispensable that I can�t be spared for even a single 4.5 hour workday. You�d think, if I were truly indispensable, he�d be worried about what he was gonna do when I QUIT! Which I�m going to do, I think. I just can�t take the abuse any more.

I�m so depressed now that I just want to die. I feel so freakin� trapped. And used. I hope he�s fucking happy.

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