rhymes with rhyme

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whatever happens there, I stay here.
Wednesday, Oct. 06, 2004, 5:56 PM

He wants to go to Las Vegas!


No to him and his madcap, spontaneous playboy shit.

No to a 24-48 hour uphill climb from Hell for me, getting all the arrangements made, and the laundry done, and the packing done, and the errands run, until I'm ready to collapse just about the time we leave for the airport.


He's not even home yet, already I wanna kill him. He's quite brilliant at that.

So I had one of my famous sleepytime theater dreams last night, and I started to write it up. But I left it at work, and so I can't post it till next Monday. But it was really cool, and very highly plotted, and had an authentic Hollywood cast. Oh, well. 'Slife.

I was on the phone with W for half an hour last night, trying to talk her through adding coolant to her car. You would've thought I was asking her to manufacture nitroglycerine or something. She's worried that she doesn't have a precision calibrated, graduated beaker to mix this shit in, fer chrissakes. I got her amped up to do it, so she sent me a mission accomplished e-mail. Honestly.

I lucked out on the pro-casino sign. When I got the mail last night, there was a flyer from the jobsforkenosha people, with a number to call if you want a free yard sign. Excellant. They'll be dropping it off within the week. That'll make us popular with the neighbors. Well fuck those fascists.

I feel agonizingly fat today. Seriously, I feel as though my stomach
is sticking out a mile. Either I'm bloated and really could use a terrific shit, or my back and hip are out again and it's pitching my body at a weird angle. Or both. But honestly, it is making me feel like I can't even sit down, for the huge lump of belly in my lap. Not Pleasant.

I got my birthday present from D today...she gave me all of her beading stuff!!!!!! and oh, yeah. !!!!!!!
How wonderfully super-lovely and cool was that? She gave it all to me...pearls, beads, tools, findings, threads...even the compartmentalized boxes!! Rawck. I can't wait to play!

I made Spouse's bed up fresh and tight, and lit his firewood candle sao the room would smell nice. Just to welcome him home. I need to be doing other stuff besides this, but I probably won't get another chance to post till Monday, so I thought I'd better catch up this far.

Happy Birthday to Me. (Oh, god...I'm officially "in my forties". Not forty, but in my forties.)

recede - proceed

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