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the drive-thru isn't the only place they screw you
Saturday, Oct. 02, 2004, 4:38 PM

I don't know if it is just me, or if this happens to everybody, but it seems to me that I have a higher than average "get screwed" rate at the grocery store. I would expect, once a year or so, to get home from the market and find that some of my items didn't make it into my bag. Shit happens.

But shit happens a lot more often than that, it seems. More like (at least)once a month. And it pisses me off, because this stuff never goes missing BEFORE it was rung up and paid for. Sometimes I realize it the same day, (remember the turkey?) but not
always. I just realized this afternoon that I didn't get my fiber supplements or my sugarless gum. This really gets so incredibly old.

I'm going through cash this like water this weekend, and it's not like I'm spending it frivolously. Oil changes and haircuts and groceries and medicine driver's licenses are pretty much necessities of life in these parts.

I can't even afford to go to the bead store, and I'm paying the grocery store good money for stuff they get to keep.

I just don't understand why life has to be so hard all the time. It doesn't seem to be that way for some people--who the fuck did I piss off?

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