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360 degrees of frustration
Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2004,

Well, I tried to start the bugle bead bracelet last night, but it didn�t want to play nice. And since I really didn�t have the energy to fight with it, I switched to a stretchy ladder-stitch bracelet with swirled glass ovals in clear/light blue/light/green/teal green, with edge beads of #8 seed beads that complement�clear, blue-green-lined, with an a/b finish. It is kind of 50�s retro-clunky, but in glass rather than plastic.

After I switched, I fought the stretchy a little, but then it all fell together and I am actually almost done. I way over-estimated the number of ovals, so I may have enough left over to do a necklace, if I keep it simple. I�m calling it my mermaid bracelet, because of the lovely, watery color scheme.


Grrrff. Damn nylons. I just took these damn navy socks out of the package this morning, and the fricking toe was falling apart before nine! Not just a run, either�coming apart at the seam! But there is a run, too�naturally. For some stupid reason, all the colors come with a reinforced toe-except the snickin-frickin navy! /rant

I actually had to tie a knot in the end of my sock to keep it on my foot. Pitiful. Pit-eee-ful!


Why is it that God wants me to be angry and sad? Every time I feel just a little bit good for even two minutes, all hell breaks loose at work, my Spouse makes me crazy, and the physical pain comes back.

Spouse really needs to clean up that ungodly hellhole of a bedroom before Friday, but he just won�t do it. I just know that I�m going to be the one who gets stuck with the job, and when I realize things like this it just makes me so mad I could spit. Last night, he was playing the third act of Camille again, swanning around and whimpering about how he was just so wiped out from aallllll the tests. They drew four vials of blood and did a TB skin test. Kee-rist! Big-frickin-whoop! What a pussy.


You know, I had a sneaking suspicion that once the job opening dried up, my boss�s interest in me taking a class would dry up, as well. And so it goes�

Well, hush my mouth. I just got a reply on the class,(finally, after a three-week wait) and boss approved my choice of vender, location, and class. Whoo-hoo! He has to run it by his boss, though, so it isn�t for certain yet. He also said he�s thinking about our discussion, and wants to talk more. Which scares me a little.

Otherwise, it�s SS/DD at work. Utter lack of respect for testing, no adherence to the project planning principles WHATsoever, and coders who couldn�t communicate in writing if their life depended on it, and could only barely do it verbally. No involvement on the boss�s part, either. Twistin� in the wind, pardner. Twistin� in the wind.


Ugh. I have so much to get done tonight, and I've been working my ass off all day--I just want to throw myself to the floor in a tantrum WAAAHHH!!!MAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOP!!!

Seriously. By the time I go to the doctor, argue with Spouse about dinner, go to the store and buy dinner, come home and cook dinner, clean up after dinner, (You know, for someone who isn't really eating right now, I have a lot of dinner shit to deal with.) take care of the dog, clean his monsterfarkin' filthy room, and get stuff set up for tomorrow morning, (pause for deep breath)--you might as well just shoot. me.

Reading: �Wicked Games� by Ellen Hart (a Jane Lawless this time)

Music: XM Radio: �Forties�, "On Broadway"

Beading: �Mermaid� stretchy bracelet.

recede - proceed

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