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what happened
Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004, 6:13 AM

I don't have much time as I am trying to write this while Spouse walks the dog, and I have so much to say that I'm not sure I even want to start if I can't say it all.

Spouse was at the hospital on Wednesday for SIX HOURs, getting tests and exams and xrays and medication to determine/prevent a possible stroke. I left work early to pick him up, but may as well have worked late, considering we didn't get out of there till after six o'clock.

Then on Wednesday night, W called, with a shrieking T in the background, crying over their new computer. Why the freaking? Seems she'd broken the new PC. Personally, I don't consider committing suicide if I break the door off the A-drive, but then that's me. I talked them down off the ledge, put things in perspective, and really had a nice chat with W, but all in all, that day really wiped me out.

And Thursday wasn't any better. Spouse had to spend most of the next day out there, too. He had to see an opthamologist for the double vision (remember, that was what he went for in the first place.)and had an early appointment, for 7:45. I "called in late", figuring I'd take him, drop him at work, and go in myself. Wrong.

He was at the opthamologist from 7:45 to 10:30, and then he had to see his regular doctor. We didn't get out of there till lunchtime, and he couldn't see to work or drive anyway, because they dilated his eyes. So I called in for the rest of the day and stayed in, doing laundry and resting. I was bushed.

What we know so far is: His blood pressure was a mess, and he could have died from not taking his medicine, he is going blind in his left eye, and possibly has glaucoma. He has more Dr. appts. next week.

Friday was just as exhausting, and he only worked a half day, so basically, I had another stressful afternoon of putting up with him. Which brings me to the subject of my next post:

How I feel about all this. Hint: IT'S MAKING ME CRAZY!!!

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