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quite a lot for a Tuesday
Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2004,

Boy; getting back into the water drinking habit is hard. I did pretty well yesterday, but today I just keep spacing it.

I got some Dexatrim Green Tea formula last night, and started today. I was a bit leery about it�I figured that they wouldn�t work without the ephedra. (F*CKING Government, banning ephedra! Tool of the Pharmaceutical industry!)

Well, I�m not starving at lunchtime, but I notice that the wired feeling is no longer there. I kind of miss that buzz I used to get that made me feel like I was actually burning calories. I really need that jittery, energized feeling that makes me feel like I must exercise or die.

I had my nice chicken dinner last night, and sure: I could have done better. But I refuse to get obsessive this early on. I ate my chicken skin, I had a small amount of butter on my green beans, and I ate�GASP! CARBS!!

(can you tell I have issues with this latest national collective lunacy?)

My biggest problem was snacking. While dinner was cooking, I ate a pouch of Quaker fruit and oatmeal bites, and after dinner, I had a Fudgesicle AND a small piece of coffeecake. So I gotta work on that. But you know what? ANY steps I take towards eating better are better than steps away from it. And I know from experience that there will be good days, and not so good days, and downright bad days.

I also know what works for me. My strengths and weaknesses. And I am determined to avoid the traps that have defeated me in the past.


It�s funny how things sneak up on you and punch you in the gut. I was online, looking for a phone number to call for the food pantry in my hometown. I wanted to find out about making a memorial donation in Aunt Nellie�s name. I found a link, followed it, and sure enough, there was the contact�s name and phone number.

It was Aunt Nellie.

Of course. Well, that certainly sucked, didn�t it?


I stayed up past my bedtime last night, watching The Major and the Minor on TCM. Interesting point: the military school exteriors were shot at St. John�s Military Academy in Delafield, WI. That�s the school where they sent the little mook next door when his dad finally woke up to the fact that his precious son was a dirty little thug and a thief. Interesting co-inkydink. Anyway, I love that movie. Ginger Rogers cracks me up in it. And Diana Lynn gets off a good crack that cuts straight to the heart of what I feel about adults playing �kids�: �Knock it off. You�re not twelve�just because you act like you�re six!�

The cool thing is, you can actually see GR�s �SuSu� start acting more age-appropriate after that remark. Subtle, but very effective. Politics aside, both Ginger and her mom were pretty fair performers. Oh, yeah. Her mom�s in it too. Playing her mom, of course. I�ll watch The Major and the Minor any time I get the chance.

Just don�t ask me to watch that unholy excrescence of a �remake�, with Jerry Lewis. Same goes for Carole Lombard, in Nothing Sacred.

What�did Lewis fancy himself on of the great screen comediennes, or something?

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