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time to move on?
Monday, Aug. 23, 2004,

There is a position posted on my company�s intranet that I�m thinking of bidding on. The new job would be a completely different field, but one that would use my current skills to good advantage.

I think I need to talk to my boss and find out if I have any kind of future in my current position, or at least in this field.

Just a thought.


Whee! How I love to scare the boss. I just popped in to talk to him re: my future �round here. The look on his face was utterly priceless. And the expression �sit up and take notice�? He just illustrated it. He hastened to assure me that the world was my oyster, so to speak, and urged a list of seminars and conferences on me.

I scairt �im goooood. I�ve always said that the for most frightening words a boss can hear are �we need to talk�.

recede - proceed

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