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shopping trip
Sunday, Aug. 22, 2004, 3:59 PM

Nice day out with Papa and P & E; E fell in loooove with The Great Indoors, P fell in loooove with Whole Foods. Papa, of course has always been in love with The White Eagle. And my quest for faboo peaches was rewarded at Whole Foods, although they were twice as much per pound($1.99)as the Pig. I got organic potatoes (bakers AND reds), and fresh salsa as well. Plus the usual stuff I get on a Trader Joe's run.

But my wonderful Rosemary Mint bodywash is apparently no more. Sigh. Everything I love leaves me. Although we went to The Great Indoors and Crate & Barrel, I guess I'm just not in an acquisitive mood, because I couldn't find anything I wanted to buy. I was looking for a small, traditionallly styled table lamp for my bedroom, but had no luck at either place. All lamps were:

1. Too big.

2. Butt ugly.

3. Outrageously priced.

So it looks like I'm stuck with my shoddy Ikea piece of crap that broke the first week I had it, for just a bit longer.

I didn't buy a lot today, but I really had a good time watching P & E in their rapturous dazes as they shopped through their dream stores.

Of course, a heavy Polish Sunday dinner is not the best way to start a diet, but I had to ride with the pack, I guess. And the food is sooo good.

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