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conspicuous consumption
2004-07-17, 2:13 p.m.

Well, I got out of going to the club last night, but I didn't get out of going out altogether. We ended up at a Mexican food place we've been meaning to try, and I have to say I didn't think much of the food. I had a tostada, a chimichanga (both beef), rice and beans. The beans were runny and blah, the rice tasted like minute rice, and the other stuff was just okay. They did have good Margaritas, though.

We ran into our old next-door neighbors there, and chatted a little. They are doing well, and looking good.

After supper, we took a drive up to Best Buy, because Spouse got a taste of the radio goodness that is XM last week. He decided he really wanted to get a system in the GP, so we went to check them out. The system we looked at would run about $300, installed. We didn't get it; we were just checking it out.

What we did get was...(drum roll, please) My NEW VACUUM!!! YAY!!!

I also got a DVD two pack for $14.99--Edward Scissorhands and Young Frankenstein. Coolness!

Anyway, when we got home, Spouse went to the 'net to check out more about this XM. Well, big (pleasant) surprise. They had a NEW system online, with a wireless FM modulator (he needs that because his car doesn't have a cassette deck)and all the installation stuff, for $116.00. The one at Best Buy was $130, + a $69 install kit, and $75 to install it. So he went to check if Circuit City had the new one. They did, and they were comping the XM site! Sooo...

This morning, we both got up and plowed into our chores. I set to cleaning (a delight with my new vac) and he did the yard work. Then he went to get a much-needed haircut, while I started some wash and got myself cleaned up. Then we headed down to the Mills to check out XM at CC. Well, it was in stock, the right price, and only $50 to install. So he bought it and they installed it right away.

While we were waiting, we had lunch at Rainforest Cafe. I hardly ever go there, but it was convenient, and the food was really quite good. We had a bruschetta appetizer that RAWKED. I mean it was Faboo! Then I had the turkey wrap and he had a burger, both quite excellent. Then we went and picked up the car. We had to wait till we got home to activate it, though.

While we were down around the mall, we went to Cost Plus. Spouse is frying chicken tomorrow in the outdoor fryer, and he wanted to get one of those Chinese skimmer/strainer things for fishing it out. He also picked up a replacement for the pizza stone he broke a year ago. And me? Hey, I know what's important--Ghirardelli Chocolate at half price, that's what is important! (I got a six-pack of assorted chocolate bars for 4.50, marked down from $9). Well, that and Swedish Gingersnaps. I want to get some really good white chocolate and see if I can duplicate the Seroogy's cookies I got in DePere.

Now he's out walking the pooch while his XM service activates, and I'm doing laundry and writing this. It was cool and grey this AM, but it is turning out to be a lovely day. Too nice to be sitting at the PC.

recede - proceed

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