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2004-07-14, 5:33 p.m.

Wow�talk about sad stories.

A couple married in Kenosha died when their car rolled off a cliff during their honeymoon in Washington State Sunday. Adrienne and Zechariah West were camping in central Washington, and their car rolled off a forest service road and fell down a cliff into the Cle Elum River. Apparently, they were trying to turn around in the dark.

Adrienne was a 2001 graduate of Shoreland Lutheran High School and was attending Carthage College. She was also an award-winning gymnast, and coached the sport. Zechariah was serving in the U.S. Navy, stationed in Italy. He had attended schools in Washington. They were just 21 years old, and were married on June 25th.

That just breaks my heart. One of the women at work went to the wedding--Adrienne was her daughter's gymnastics coach

Whew. I finally finished writing the big testscript I�ve been killing myself over. If they ever deploy the app, I�ll be ready. Unfortunately, I have to create another, for some enhancements they are putting in an existing app. Actually, we all have a bunch of snippets of a huge new project, involving employee evaluation and compensation. It�s all connected.

I am having a bit of an ethical crisis over the whole thing, actually, because from where I sit, it is pretty obvious that the whole thing is just a new way to screw employees. After almost 4 years of working almost exclusively on programs designed to put people out of jobs, I don�t know how much more I can take. It makes me feel like shit.

The big, good news from Washington today is the fact that the cloture vote on the evil anti-gay marriage amendment was 48 for, and 50 against. Kerry and Edwards abstained, of course, but on a vote like this, it is really only the yes votes that count. They needed 60, and only got 48, so it is killed for now. I checked the roll call, and was pleased to see that both Feingold and Kohl were nays. I also checked the Iowa side, and it was 50/50. GrASSley, of course, was for it, the prick.

I'm planning a good supper tonight...baked pork chop, artichoke risotto, and steamed veggies (snow peas, carrots, cauliflower). So I'd better get cooking.

recede - proceed

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